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Antony Khotov master CEM-01

SNP: Khotov Anton Andrew

Faculty: Computing engineering and informatics

Speciality: Computer ecological and economical monitoring

Subject of master's degree work: Analysis of Digital Water-Marks

Supervisor: associate professor, Gubenko Natalya Evgenievna


A few word about main things
I went on Java programming. Almost 1 year working as XHTML/JSP developer. I apreciate hardworking people.

I was born on September, 21, 1984 Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Father: Andrew Hotov. Finished State Technical University in Karaganda, speciality «Surveyor business».

Mother: Valentina Hotova. Finished Medical University in Karaganda. From 2000 year works as medical department manager of city hospital №2, Konstantinovka, Donetsk region

Childhood passed in Karaganda. A mother and two father’s sisters educated me. From three years went out into nursery school. From this age a mother taught me to English.

School years
My school years have passed not only at different school but also in different countries. With 1- 6 classes went to school - gymnasium №27 in Karaganda. Then we moved to Ukraine.  In 2001 finished school in Novodmitrievka with class and entered Donetsk National Technical University, faculty «Geotechnology and management». The speciality was moved later at the faculty of «Computing engineering and informatics». The choice of university is repose on the following characteristic: one of the popular universities in Donetsk region.

University years
The chose of the speciality was connected with attraction to the information processing technologies. In these years I know game in a preference, sleepless nights and many another interesting things.  In that time traveled on many cities of Ukraine, Russia and Poland. From the third year of study I am the student of Polish Faculty (PWT). In 2005 got Bachelor Degree specializing in “Computer science”. Due to a university for me new possibilities and prospects were opened.

The marital status: not married.

From small years collected stamps. In school years devoted to heavy athletics, in 16 years got the third adult category. From third course I am keen on JAVA programming language and this hobby for life.

To speak one's mind about future plans is enough difficult, because every day brings us something new. I plan to be engaged in development of the JAVA appendixes and be in course of time become the certificated J2EE architect.