Michailov Ivan Vyacheslavovich
Michailov Ivan
E-mail: ivanvm@list.ru 


I was born in village Nikolaevka of Donetsk region. Probably, this has also affected my further interest for engineering sciences - till now I am impressed  with huge Slavyansk power-plant on a background of  green hills covered with vineyards.

Then this interest showed up at school when I studying physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer and other sciences. As a result I am a possessor of several dozens of certificates for victories in competitions in the abovenamed subjects. If I didn’t dislike language and literature I could complete school with a gold, not silver, medal.

There were no long meditations over the direction of my further education. A question, whether higher education is necessary, did not even arise. And after the crash of the USSR had put an end to my childhood dream to become an aircraft engineer, my other interest, computers,  has emerged. It happened so, that already before school I have got the first experience of programming, and then I had to experiment with ZX Spectrum,  then with IBM PC.

The choice of a high school has not taken a lot of time: DonSTU (now DonNTU) was a prestigious university, had military faculty, and there was no need to go studies in other city.


My habit to study well has helped me again: I have finished my first year perfectly, that has enabled me to get to the elite "German" group. With pleasures and problems usual for learning I have completed my fourth year, received the bachelor's diploma with honors and entered the master’s degree course.

Scientific research

Already on my first year at the university I have got an idea to build up a network connecting several people, who living in my district. And as students are poor that was to be done in the cheapest possible way. The classical method of using twisted pair cable vas not suitable in view of large distances (200-300 ì), necessities to pull the cable on roofs of high building and big monetary expenses.

Therefore I and my good friend D. Orlov have build devices based on laser-pointers,  which connected two computers through the RS-232 interfaces and transmitted data through the atmosphere. Of course, the speed of 115 kbit/s was not an ideal variant, but it was better, than nothing. As we supposed to improve the device, we decided to combine it with the student’s research work.


Approximately on my third year of study I came to an understanding, that using only the knowledge received at the university, which was base and many respects somewhat "ancient", it was hard to earn enough money and that it was necessary to master new technologies on my own. In 2004 I began to work in the “ Internet agency " Alma " where I have got received considerable experience in the development of Internet projects.

  1. development of complex dynamic sites (e-shops, agencies, etc.)
  2. work with network databases
  3. integration with payment systems
  4. installation, tuning  and administration of a web-server (FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL, PHP, mail, etc)

Plans for the future

In future I plan to work either with webtechnologies, or with a network infrastructure.

I know following programming languages and technologies

  • Ñ/C++
  • Pascal
  • Php
  • XML
  • VBA
  • x86 assembler
  • Prolog
  • VHDL
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • ActionScript
  • I have skills of work with packages of soft- and hardware development

  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • ZEND Studio
  • netBeans
  • Borland Builder
  • TurboC
  • Active HDL
  • I took part in development (php - programming) of

  • http://mirage.dn.ua/
  • http://ayda.com.ua/
  • http://agentur.perlamour.com/
  • http://shop.perlamour.com/