
Myadelets Oleksandr Oleksandrovich

Myadelets Oleksandr

Faculty of Computer Science
Speciality: System Programming
Group SP-01m

Theme of master's thesis:

"Development and research of method of synthesis of tests for typical elements of replacement"

Tutor: Y.E.Zinchenko


About me

Middle mark in the period of studies in university was 4.98. I have experience in development of utility, visual programs, Visual C++ programming.


I was born on May the thirtieth, 1984 in a beautiful town in the east of Ukraine. This town is Donetsk. I still live here. My parents are Myadelets Irina Nikolaevna and Myadelets Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. My father works as a flying control officer and my mother is a teacher. In childhood, like all other children I attended the kindergarten, spent my free time out of doors or to be more concise, led an untroubled careless life.


When I was six, I went to the secondary school ¹13. It wasn’t far from my house. I studied here for 8 years. In the eighth form I began to attend access courses to enter the Donetsk College. Finishing the courses, I won the third place in the college Olympiad, held among the eight formers, and due to this very fact I entered the college.

Studying in Donetsk College was more diverse and versatile than it was in school. I took part in different Olympiads, including physics, mathematics, programming and even biology. Apart from the standard subjects, there were automobile engineering for all comers, and when I was 16 I got a driving license, though I could use it only at 18.

In the ninth form I got the computer and began to take a great interest in computer games, and consequently in programming. This might have predetermined the choice of my future profession.


In 2001 I finished the college and according to the results of the testing entered the Donetsk National Technical University, “System programming” specialty. I chose this university as I consider it the best higher technical educational institution in Donetsk region. As for SP specialty, it seemed to me according to the information I had (booklet with concise outline of all specialties) the variant worth chewing on.

On the third year of studying I got interested in the VHDL languages, with the help of which one can describe digital systems and in future synthesize and realize them on the microschemes that are being programmed (FPGA). In spring I took part in VHDL language testing, held by ALDEC Company. After having passed the test, I went to Katowice, Poland. There, during the practice I got acquainted with the VHDL languages, Verilog and SystemC.

After the fourth year of studying I was lucky to work on probation in Poland, but this time in Zhirnovets and Gdansk. In my fifth year I decided to widen my knowledge in software (SW) elaboration and got an invitation to undergo the three months' practice, connected with SW elaboration on C++. During the practice I was working out the separate modules, libraries and utilities for Riviera-SLE (the programming product of the ALDEC Company).

On the fourth year of studying I also took a great interest in distributed systems on the basis of satellite nets and variants of realization of net equipment on the basis of FPGA. I took it up within the bounds of Research effort. I also plan to work out my method of testing or improve one of already existing, thus I'll be able to study the foremost program and apparatus technologies.

In 2005 I got the bachelor's degree with honours. During the study in the university I became proficient in the following program and apparatus elaboration languages: C/C++, Pascal, VBA, Assembler, Prolog, VHDL, Verilog, SystemC; acquired a habit of working with such packages as: Microsoft Visual Studio, Borland Delphi, ActiveHDL, Riviera, Riviera-SLE, Synplify, Xilinx ISE, Xilinx EDK, OrCad, P-CAD, Microcap and even Photoshop.

Plans & wishes

Like many young people of my age, I am an optimist and I'll do my best to be a good specialist in the future. I consider that a good engineer should be able to cope with a wide range of questions. After graduating from the university I am going to work as a software programmer. As for me, to achieve success one should be interested in his/her work, strive for gaining new knowledge and work hard. I hope that my future work will give me an opportunity of versatile development and make a valuable contribution to common cause, wherever I work.

Developed by Oleksandr Myadelets (June 2006)