alma-mater: DonNTU > site of masters of DonNTU

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Knowledge: Administration of OS: Windwos, Linux. Software packages: MSOffice, CorelDRAW, AutoCAD
Skills: Programming in languages C, VB, Java
Theme of master work: Remote admnistration in local-area network under management OS
Windows Scientific leader: doc. Teplinskiy S.V.

    I, Tkachenko Konstantin Leonidovich, was born the December 25 1984 in city Donetsk. The father Tkachenko Leonid Konstantinovich - an engineer, was born in Donetsk and has his education in DPI. Mother Tkachenko Raisa Borisovna - also was born in Donetsk.
    After kindergarten, at age 6 years has entered in general school I-III steps #3 Voroshilovskiy region of the city Donetsk.

    As from 1996, I rage by computing machinery. During education in school #3 took the active participation in lifes of the class and schools, was shown by member computer mug, was a frequentative winner of the school olympiads on different exact science. Has occupied honourable 3 places on town olympiad on informatic.
    On completion 11-th class, in 2000, worked half year in CAD-division of PROMSTROYNIIPROEKT of Donetsk. There I concerned with questions a desing and buildings to local-area network of the institute, participated in writing the database .

    In 2001, when i has finished the school, I have successfully pass the tests and became student to professions "System programming" faculty "Computing machinery and informaticses" of Donetsk State (now National) Technical Universiteta.

    In 2005 I, on outflow four years of the education, has successfully pass exams on baccalaureate and has having continued education in magistracy on this professions

    has By itself studied the programming language Visual Basic, bases of the building of the local computer networks, work with different exhibits (AutoCad, CorelDraw, and t. d.). Has Superficially studied with operating system family UNIX (Linux,FreeBSD). The Data of the knowledge successfully used in CAD-division of PROMSTROYNIIPROEKT of Donetsk in operation. I has developed database on programming language Visual Basic for to work on competition candidate's degree on economy by my sister.
    Wanted note that, having chosen profession, I pursue the concrete purpose, which expects work in sphere of the high technology. Their tempestuous development for passed age has shown their enormous potential. I seem that for they cost(stand) buduschee.
    In the future wanted finish education on chosen to professions; continue the study computer technology: study new technologies in the field of programming (.NET), new directions in designing database, computer networks. Plan to search for work, connected with programming or work administratora.
    Except computer interest by physics, mathematics, have limited cognitions in medicine. My hobby - a numismatics.


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group SP-01m, system programming