
Donetsk National Technical University

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Olga Alexandrovna Rybalka (Volochko)

Faculty: Computer engineering and information science
Department: Applied matematics and information
Speciality: Economical cybernetics
Group: EKI-01 m
Master's thesis theme: "Managing of advertising activity of a firm on working out the programmer supply"
Scientific adviser : senior lecturer Karabchevskiy Vitaliy Vladislavovich

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The author's abstract

on a theme master's work

  1. Urgency of a theme.
  2. The analysis of marketing activity of the enterprise.
  3. The purposes and problems of work.
  4. The list of references.

    Urgency of a theme

               The ruling many decades in our country the device of economy, were implanted in consciousness of the businessmen by extremely antimarketing style of thinking and action. The greatest harm renders perception of marketing as something known and very simple. Frequently marketing is perceived as a set of measures on selling and sale already of made goods. As opposed to such approach is the understanding of marketing as certain too difficult, narrowly professional activity, which is pertinent only in the advanced markets and is not necessary yet in the domestic market. And there is an opinion, as if by virtue of the complexity the marketing is possible only at the large enterprises and is perceived as "internal" business of the enterprise, that basically is not correct. The transition of the enterprises from industrial orientation to market, marketing orientation includes a line of consecutive stages in a direction of amplification of attention both account of opportunities and interests, both consumers, and extending circle of the competitors.

               Now to consumers are offered on a choice of thousand goods from hundreds firms - manufacturers. And the task of attraction of attention to the goods becomes for many manufacturers prime.

               The definition of efficiency of advertising, its influence on a target audience is a necessary condition of correct organization of advertising activity of the enterprise. For effective management of activity of the enterprise it is necessary to know, what influence on selling of production renders the existing advertising and as its change will affect the consumers.

    "to pass upwards"

    The analysis of marketing activity of the enterprise

               One of the operators in Ukraine specializing on development and introduction of systems of protected electronic document circulation, is "Infocom". The enterprise "Infocom" creates system of formation and delivery of the reporting in state bodies in an electronic kind with use of a network the Internet. The users of system are the legal and physical persons who are handing over the obligatory reporting.

               The electronic document circulation now becomes an effective means of increase of a management efficiency of many organizations. And it is not simple " gift to a style ". It - the comprehension of those advantages, which gives introduction of high-grade system of electronic document circulation. In modern conditions administrative, industrial, economic activity of any organization are closely connected to processing and storage of significant volumes of the documents: accounting, managing, etc.

               The effective operation of business becomes impossible without effective management of his document circulation. The document circulation is an essence of all activity of state organizations. For this reason the special urgency is got by use of systems of electronic document circulation in state structures allowing considerably to reduce temporary and financial expenses to organization of analytical processes and also, in most cases, to develop and easily to carry out measures on their optimization.

               In a researched case the scales of activity of organization are great, the plenty of the employees works, the structural divisions are scattered on the large territory, therefore electronic document circulation can become considerably more convenient, than document circulation paper.

               Developed by the enterprise "Infocom" the system of formation and delivery of the reporting in an electronic kind is good itself has recommended and successfully works in regional and urban managements of Pension fund in Donetsk area. About 15 % of the reporting enterprises are registered in system of delivery of the reporting and the most part from them monthly sends the reports in pension fund. The contracts about use of this system in State committee of statistics of Ukraine and Pension fund of Ukraine are signed.

               The introduction of the offered system will allow organizations and enterprises more operatively to give the reports in госорганы, using modern means of the communications through the Internet. The offered system provides use for delivery of the reports given from registration on enterprises registration and accounting systems, that considerably will reduce mistakes at formation of the reporting. Besides the given system will create conditions for essential reduction of labour and financial expenses of state bodies on primary processing of the statistical information.

               The introduction of the offered system will allow organizations and enterprises more operatively to give the reports in state bodies, using modern means of the communications through the Internet. The offered system provides use for delivery of the reports given from registration on enterprises registration and accounting systems, that considerably will reduce mistakes at formation of the reporting. Besides the given system will create conditions for essential reduction of labour and financial expenses of state bodies on primary processing of the statistical information.

    "to pass upwards"

    The purposes and problems of work.

               The basic task, which is put before itself by the enterprise "Infocom", is the creation of a uniform format of transfer of the opportunity, given for creation, of delivery of the reporting in an electronic kind in all state bodies by the legal and physical persons, and as a gain with the developed product 75 % of a share of the market on development and introduction of systems of the protected electronic document circulation in Donetsk area and 50 % of a share of the market in Ukraine by means of introduction of the new advertising projects.

    "to pass upwards"

    The list of references.

    1. www.cs.comizdat.com. Черненко М. Проблемы управления украинскими предприятиями. // Корпоративные системы, 2002, № 4.
    2. Бланк И.А. Основы финансового менеджмента в 2-х томах, т. 1. – М., Ника-Центр, 2000
    3. www.business.ua. Сергей Семенов. “Что там у него в карманцах?” // Бизнес, №18 (537), 05.05. 2003.
    4. Хедли Дж., Уайтин Т. Анализ систем управления запасами. – М., «Наука», 1969. – 511 с.
    5. Рыжиков Ю. И. Теория очередей и управление запасами: Учебное пособие для вузов. – СПб.: Питер, 2001. – 384 с.
    6. Хруцкий Е. А. Оптимизация хозяйственных связуй и материальных запасов (Вопросы методологии). – М.: Экономика, 1997. – 263 с.
    7. Букан Дж., Кенигсберг Э. Научное управление запасами. – М.: Наука, 1967. – 423 с.
    8. www.maths.ex.ac.uk/~DKSmith/Research.html David K. Smith. Dynamic Programming and Inventory Management: What Has Been Learnt in the Last Generation? //School of Mathematical Sciences University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QE, UK, 2000.
    9. www.edpsciences.org/articles/ro/pdf/1999/01/ro3.pdf Huan Neng Chiu, “A Good Approximation of the Inventory Level in a (Q r) Perishable Inventory System”, Operations Research, vol. 33, №1, 1999, pp. 29-45.
    10. Bwww.biostat.umn.edu/~tweedie/documents/invent.pdf W.L. Coopery and R.L. Tweediez, “Perfect Simulation of an Inventory Model for Perishable Products”, University of Minnesota, July 15, 2000.
    11. www.iitb.ac.in/~ieor/nh/Revised- chande_paper.pdfA Chande, N Hemachandra and N Rangaraj. Fixed-life perishable inventory problem and approximation under price promotion // Technical Report, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, 2004.
    12. www.ias.ac.in/sadhana/Pdf2005AprJun/Pe1304.pdf A Chandec, S Dhekane, N Hemachandra, N Rangaraj. Perishable inventory management and dynamic pricing using RFID technology // Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, Sadhana Vol. 30, Parts 2 & 3, April/June 2005, pp. 445–462.

    "to pass upwards"