Фото  Ананьева Ю.А. 2006 год  

Ananieva Yuliya Aleksandrovna

Adress: 85000 Ukraine, c.Dobropolie, str.Molodegniy 3/160

Proffesion: "Mine Surveying"

Subject to thesises: "Development forecast system of tolerant indices of ground surface deformation for underworking buildings and constructions "

Scientific adviser: doc. teach. ski.Grischenkov Nikolay Nikolaevich



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The biography

My full name is Yulia Aleksandrovna Ananieva. I was born on February,9th in 1984 in Donetsk ,but I live in Dobropoliye Donetsk region at present.Ewery year in this day it snows and I am always in a good mood.

From the first years of my life I became an independent person.

My family: mother, brother and I.

I attended dancing circle, knitting circle, dress-making courses and even went in for judo and won many competitions. I was good at school (1991-2001).In 1999 we went to Donetsk to take part in the fashion show (we sewed our dresses by ourselves) and won the 3rd prize .The representatives of ’Mary Kay’ firm awarded me personally.

Thanks to my achievements I visited Artek. It is a wonderfull rest camp.I saw many interesting things and got much impressions there. We took part in the psychological game by method of professor V.I.Vernadsky (we did many tests, wrote verses,etc) and I took the first prize, in such a way I became the leader.

There were many children from different towns, cities and even countries in Artek. All of us were dressed the same uniforms in order we could be distinguished only by our talents, intellect and humanity I finished school with Gold Medal and had friendly relations with my teachers.

To enter the University I used to work very hard and attended different courses. I passed my exams successfully. The choice of my studding and profession was not under discussion in my family.

My mother has been working all her life in coal industry and she always suppose this profession is the best one. By the way, my elder brother received the higher education in this University too. So, I decided to be a mine-surveyor.

Well, what were my first impressions? It was not easy to study after school. Firstly, it was a city. Secondly, the University and its demands. Thirdly, the students’ hostel. But I could manage all my difficulties. I am very glad and proud of myself that I could reach the magistrates.

I’ll never forget my lecturers because they are the best one (on my view).

Grischenkov Nikolay Nikolayevich, D.Sc.(technique),suggested me to work on problem’Development forecast system of tolerant indices of ground surface deformation for underworking buildings and constructions ’proving that this problem is interesting, urgent and necessary in coal industry.

After defence of a diploma project I wish to get an interesting and prestigious job. Rest of my wishes will be of personal character.

If all my dreams come true, I will be able to consider myself the happiest girl.