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Donetsk National Technical University Ganushchak Nadia

Ganushchak Nadia

Faculty: Mining-and-geological

Speciality: Geoinformatic system and technologies

Theme of master's work:

The Research of existing algorithms of transport problem decision in GIS

Leader of work: Ekaterina A.Germonova


Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4.69.

Speak well Russian, Ukrainian. Also speak English alittle.

I like tourism and play basketball.


Short biography:

I was born on August, 23, 1984 in Yasinovataya-town of Donetsk region. In 1985 in kindergarten "Eaglet" it was disclosed that I was a lefthander. My parents are engaged in tourism, therefore in the childhood I spent a lot of time on the nature.

In 1990 I went to the first class of school #7 of Yasinovataya. It was a pleasure for me to study. For all years of studying at school I participated in contests in biology, geography, mathematics, the Russian and the Ukrainian languages and in other subjects. Besides my schoolmates and I released the school wall-newspaper, participated in various mass school entertaining and sports activities. In 7 class I look up basketball.

When I finished 9 classes I started to study at school #6 of Yasinovataya. Here I studied for two years.

In 2001 I received the certificate about secondary education with honour. In the same year I entered Donetsk national technical university on a speciality "Geoinformation systems and technologies". I chose this speciality, because since junior classes I had liked geography and computer science. It was hard to study, but it was very interesting. Especially I liked to study discrete mathematics, computer science, the high geodesy, methods of decision-making and other subjects. At leisure I used to go in for karate and basketball.

During the third year of study I chose a theme of my research work " Research of existing algorithms of transport problem decision in GIS ". My supervisor is Ekaterina A. Germonova.

In 2005 I received the bachelor's degree with honour. The same year I started my master's degree course on the speciality. The new subjects, new rights and new duties appeared. The theme of my master's degree course coincides with a theme of research work. In my work I investigate three methods of finding of the shortest path between two points of a street network (Worshell-Floyd's algorithm, Dijkstra's algorithm, Lewitt's algorithm). Presently the phrase "Time is money" is more and more actual, therefore the optimum decision of a problem of finding of the shortest path is very important.

Studying at my master's degree course is interesting. We have learned the essence of scientific activity, have carried out researches on a theme of the work, have studied philosophy of a science and technique and other disciplines.

In February 2006 I got married.

At the end of 2006 I am planning to graduate successfully my master's degree course.

Further I am planning to find interesting work and to devote myself to the family. I want to realize myself as the excellent expert as well as a person/ I hope that my descendants will not be ashamed of me.

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