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Donetsk National Technical University Olga Malykhina

Olga Malykhina

Faculty: Mining-geological
Speciality: Land management and cadastre


Theme of master's work: "Research of registration systems of objects of real estate and the rights to them"

Leader of work: docent Mitrofanova Elena Igorevna

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library | Links | Report about the search | Individual

I was born on February 7, 1984 in the town of Makeevka, Donetsk region (Ukraine) in a family of workers. My parents are kind and sympathetic people. They have brought up three children. They have educated children in the atmosphere of love, kindness and understanding. All of the children have higher education. The parents have given the part of their soul to their children.

My mother, Savinova Valentina Tihonovna, in the most dearest person for me. A teacher by trade she has enclosed and continues to give all the best qualities of her soul into the education of her children.

My father, Savinov Evgeniy Stepanovich, loves his younger daughter very much, and at the sometimes he is strict with her. I am grateful to him because he brought up not a spoilt little girl, but a conscious person.

My senior brother, Savinov Vitaliy Evgenievich is a sportsman, the master of sports. He has been recommended to enter on the list of students in Donetsk polytechnical institute on mining faculty in 1986. But simultaneously he has been enlisted in the St.Petersburg polytechnical institute which he has graduated from. He Lives and works in St. Petersburg.

My senior sister, Turova Irina Evgenievna is an accountant and an economist. She has a nice family and two clever children whom I love very much.

All these people are very dear to me. They support me, give advice and are glad for me. I love my family and I am glad that I have it. In fact they helped me to make first steps …

When I was three years old I went to the kindergarten and had many friends there. I always was a diligent, lovely and obedient child.

Since I was five I have been fond of dancing and playing the piano. I played the works of famous classical composers and also popular melodies from films. Especially I liked the waltz from a film" My tender and gentle animal ".

In 1991 I went to the first form of the secondary school ¹103 in Makeevka.

My most favorite subjects at school were Mathematics, the Russian literature and Geography. In the senior forms I took part in regional and city contests on history, geography, physics and took winning places.

I took part in competitions devoted to environmental protection «I give my voice to the nature protection». I also took part in the competition on the best written compositions in the Ukrainian language.

In the sixth form I was elected the monitor of the class. I took an active part in the life of our class and school, initiated many competitions and charities. The class teacher called me the first assistant and I was proud of it.

In 2001 I left school with a silver medal.

I had to choose between two institutes - the St.Petersburg polytechnical institute or Donetsk state technical university (DonNTU ). I stayed in Donetsk due to the family circumstances. I entered the technical institute, the mining-geological faculty (geoinformatics and geodesy), a speciality «Land management and a cadastre».

Being a little girl I first visited St. Petersburg with my parents. It is a fairy city. I fell in love with that big, unusual city and I have always admired its beauty. The biggest trip I made was a trip to republic Karelia, Petrozavodsk.

My dream is to visit the cities of Vienna and Venice.

I love music very much. And I enjoy having summer holidays in Crimea, on the Black sea, where the warm wind blows from the sea.

When I was the first year student, I met another dearest person in my life. The meeting with him changed my life and a new and long friendship began. On October 7, 2005 the most important event in my life happened. I married Vladimir Alekseevich Malykhin, a graduate of DonNTU of a speciality «System programming» faculty VTI.

In the second year I took part in the III regional scientific conference: «Problems of foundation and development of legal and legislative system of Ukraine», and in the fourth year - on the Ukrainian language «The Problem of the account of the language statement while translating scientific texts».

While studying I got knowledge and experience with programming languages and software packages: AutoCad, CorelDraw, ArcView, MathCad, SQL, Pascal, Delphi and Microsoft Office.

In the third year at the university I made an important decision for myself - to receive the second higher education. In 2004 I entered the faculty of personnel retraining on a qualification "Finance".

Why have I made such a decision? To tell the truth I do not know. I think in the future my economic knowledge will be useful to me. Anyway, I like my second qualification. The subjects which are taught are very interesting and it is necessary to know them in daily live.

Having left the fourth course I got the bachelor's degree and decided to do master’s degree course.

The theme of my master’s work is «Research of registration systems of objects of real estate and the rights to them». It was offered by the supervisor of studies, the senior lecturer of the geoinformatics and geodesy department Mitrofanova Elena Igorevna. It was not a usual choice. The chosen theme is the most actual for Ukraine which is at the stage of building a unified registration system of objects of real estate. In the given work it is necessary to investigate the existing systems of registration, to reveal their drawbacks and make the suggestions to their improvement.

I had practice at the Design - Research Open Company named "Geotechnology".

The kinds of works which were carried out during this practice by industrial divisions were: making technological documents on inventory of the lands of Open Society" Poltavoblenergo" and "Zhytomiroblenergo" (electric lines). I took an active and rather successfully part in the development of the given projects.

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