Master of faculty KITA Aleksandra V. Livinova                                                                            

Resume: Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4,9. I liberally speak russian and ukrainian. In the volume, sufficient for understanding, reading and correspondences, I speak english. For 2004 I work by the leader a computer's groop of maker in region Papace of children and junior creation. Certain work in following programs: MathCad, Visio, Compass, AutoCad, P-cad, Electronics Workbench, GPSS, PageMaker, QuarkXPress, PhotoShop, CorelDraw. Have base programming skills on languages Pascal, Assembler, C, Delphi. To Lead Away mountain and field tourism, active rest. Don't present my life without constant motion. Attitude for a work is a fan.


      I was born in 1984, 11th of April at 7.30 of the morning. My father had studying meaning of names in library about week. Then it has been decided to name me Alexandra. More detail about my parents: Litvinov Victor Ivanovich and Litvinova Natalia Anatolievna – builder-engineers. They met in Sverodonetsk, where they have got after the termination of HIGH SCHOOLS. Then, they have got married, and accordingly, I was born.
     Preschool age I remember vaguely. I was quiet enough child. I had only two friends – Sasha Dryuchin and Yura Nhoroshii. Because of the first boy I nearly have not remained without an eye, and with the second we have been convicted on attempt of kindergarten arson. At preschool age I also visited a children's circle "Ladushki", where we learned to sing, draw, dance and talk in English.

      In 1991, I have acted in average school ¹ 1. Besides them, I started to study in musical school on class of piano. Besides I went also on ball dances.
     In 1993 we changed our residence, and began studying in school ¹ 18. Dances, certainly, should be thrown, and to musical school honesty went almost every day, including and days off. The musical school did not cause special admiration, sometimes even bored, especially when in warm spring day when the children has fun in the street, it was necessary to study persistently 2 hours a new sonatina, a prelude, Bach invence, or that is even worse, to learn number on solfeggio. The most joyful moments are, certainly, summary rehearsals on chorus and performances at concerts. Here so in 1999 I successfully have finished studying at musical school. Graduates, have prepared a celebratory concert, and, having received the certificate, have soundly celebrated the given event.
     As to a comprehensive school I showed propensities to all. Though always exact and natural sciences more liked: the mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, took part in city Olympiads on history, Russian and the Ukrainian language on which borrowed prize-winning places.

      So in 2001 I have finished 11 class with a gold medal. The question on a choice of the further way became me more earlier, than I have crossed a threshold of school and have seen an inscription: " In a kind way, 11-A". To think of the future trade I became about 9 classes. Likely children's imaginations and become at that time popular detectives and films about investigations, gave me a silly idea to enter the institute internal affairs. And by the way, it was not simply the dream, I showed unprecedented persistence and persistence on studying the right and history. By virtue of clear all of the reasons, in the end this idea has disappeared 11 classes by itself.
     And then the period of active an educational institute in Donetsk search has become. My choice has stopped on DonNTU, I knew my faculty name too. The exam’s time has failed in summer. There was 40 degree heat and I shall never forget this time. But in spite of these circumstances I passed my exams successfully and on Friday, 13th of July 2001 I have found out myself in the list of group NAP-01. I was very happy! It is necessary to tell, that except of DonNTU also I joined in Makeevka engineer-building institute, but have stopped on the first HIGH SCHOOL.
      Why have I chosen my speciality? I wasn’t originality and have hand in documents because of rather smaller competition, than on other specialties of my faculty.

      When I joined in the university my life has changed radically. All 5 years studying delivered to me huge pleasure. I took part in various conferences, days of a science and to those similar useful actions during the studying at university.
      In 2005 I passed baccalaureate work and have received the bachelor's degree with distinction. The special place in my educational activity and a student's life is borrowed with my studies supervisor and the simply good person - Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer of faculty " Electronic technics " Khlamov Michael Georgievich. I am very glad to be with him. And the secret of it consists that Mikhail Georgievich belongs to that category of teachers which not simply indulgently concern to the careless student and are ready to help and explain material. And the most important, Mikhail Georgievich receives huge pleasure from work with students. And this human factor generates aspiration and desire to study.
      However study in HIGH SCHOOL it is not only study and scientific work. At first of all new friends, excellent rest in various corners of Ukraine. On a vacation under university permits I went to winter Lvov and Slavjanogorsk (“Red carnation”), in summer – “Burevestnik” camp by Azov sea, which is substantially identical previous (who was, that will understand:-)).
      But gradually the huge passions to active rest, backpacking, travel, and in general to rest by the savage was born in me. Impressions of the aforesaid and the got experience are displayed in the individual task.

      I have a lot of plans for the future, but while I don’t want to tell about them. At first, I must to defend my magister work and to get skills and a practical operational experience on a speciality. I can tell only, that I shall make all possibly to realize my desires and aspirations in professional area.

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