Lukashova Lidiya Sergeevna  


Possibility of Locating Heat Source of Spontaneous Combustion of Coal by the Electric Potential

Study on Remote Control Technology of Airflow During a Mine Fire

Discriminatory Mine Fire Source Detection






The Individual Task


"The computerised subsystem of diagnostics and monitoring
of a condition of the mountain machine
(on an example of coal-mining combine 1KDK500)"






Methane Rating was developed from a need in South Africa to measure coal seam gas contents, as well as emission rates into the cutting zone for mechanical miners. These are then combined and compared to the average and normal conditions to provide a risk assessment tool for continuous miner operations.
The last two years have seen widespread acceptance of Methane Rating as a practical and simple means of identifying seam gas contents and emission rates during mining, and of rating the changing methane conditions. The system uses proven direct methods of methane measurement to quantify the contents and emissions, combined with an innovative rating system. Each new result is compared with the expected average or normal conditions to determine its Methane Rating between 1 and 5.


Methane Rating (MR) measures the methane content and emission rate from newly cut coal samples, plots these against each other, and rates the conditions 1 to 5 against the available database. A rating of MR1 is lowest risk, with content and emission below average, and MR 5 is the highest risk with content and emission both above average.
The selected database can vary between individual sections, mines, coalfields, coal seams, and all national results, so the Methane Rating of any sample can also vary. For example a high risk MR5 on a low gas mine indicates high risk conditions for that mine, but it may well be MR1, lowest risk on a coalfield or national scale.
Figure 1 shows the Methane Rating graph of gas content against emission rate, The averages and the Normal Operating Range are calculated for the selected database and the new sample is plotted against these on the graph . An example for a selected database would be to compare all results for Highveld coalfield, No.4 seam, devolatilised coal.
Methane Rating was designed to be simple and practical, using intentionally low technology and straightforward calculations. It was developed from internationally acceptable direct methods of methane content measurement, modified to calculate an emission rate during mining as well as content, and to be suitable for the variable and relatively low gas contents of South African seams.

Equipment and methods used underground have been kept simple. One or two direct volume displacement readings are required to measure methane being emitted from newly mined coal samples, which are normally collected from shuttle cars. This takes no more than a few minutes at each location.
Any normal and acceptable direct method equipment can be used, but due to the relatively low methane contents and low initial gas volume were released, a practical innovative new measurement kit has been developed.
All calculations are performed by the data base software, using the underground and laboratory results as input values. A new software release has taken into account the user and industry feedback from the previous version, with each result now being stored as a file. This means any individual result can be recalled as it was at the time of sampling, and also then recalculated to present database conditions. calculations, with only the addition of the database results, so can also be done by hand or spreadsheet without the Methane Rating software. It is the Browse Areas page that allows the user to review all the mines in the database, leading to individual samples and information already stored about a particular mine
Gas Content
The gas content is the total volume of gas contained in the coal as it was mined. It is given in cubic metres per ton (m3/t), and is calculated from the standard direct methods of calculation, considering all the gas given off during underground sampling, further desorbing and laboratory milling.

Methane Emission Rate
The emission rate is in litres per ton mined per minute. This emission is for the coal as a continuous miner, or coal cutter is actually cutting, and is calculated from what is usually termed the lost gas. The lost gas volume is taken as a rate over the time between cutting the coal and sealing it in the canister.

Methane Ratings
The Methane Rating value is comparative against the results in the database. A new result is plotted for gas content and emission rate against the average of these for the database. One standard deviation is added to and subtracted from the averages to plot the Normal Operating Range.
The Normal Operating Range accounts for the expected variations in results that will occur in any database, and accepts that although a result may be above average conditions, it may not be unexpected for that particular mine or area or coalfield. The increased Methane Rating of MR5 is for samples not only above average, but also outside of the Normal Operating Range

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