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Romanenko Julia Sergeevna
Faculty: Mechanical
Speciality: Metallurgical equipment
Theme of master's work: "A Study of two - high mill -1000 pinion stand serviceability as a function of liquid lubricant application in the Rail and Structural Steel Mill of Azovstal Iron and Steel Integrated Works"
Leader of work: Sidorov Vladimir Anatolievich

Actuality, purpose and tasks of work

        Presently liquid lubricating materials are most applicable in ferrous metallurgy. Liquid lubricating materials execute a number of useful functions: cooling, corrosion protection, compression of gaps and cleaning of surfaces. Greasing of details of metallurgical machines in the process of exploitation, is the basis of accident-free and long operation of equipment.
        In the given work the research of capacity of two – high mill  1000 pinion stand serviceability as a function of liquid lubricant application in the Rail and Structural Steel Mill of “Azovstal” at the use of the liquid greasing is conducted.
        Purpose of the work is to explore work of two – high mill  1 000 pinion stand serviceability as a function of liquid lubricant application in the Rail and Structural Steel Mill of “Azovstal” Iron to define the optimum mode of greasing by liquid lubricating material.
        Tasks are
                 •        To choose the optimum mode of greasing.
                 •        To choose optimum lubricating material.
                 •        To define rationality of replacement of the existent system of greasing on (the system of film lubrication) or system the «oil + air».
        Existent system of greasing of cog-wheel cage is

Pinion stand

Picture the 1-system of greasing through sprayers

        Greasing takes place by feeding liquid lubricating material under pressure through sprayers to the points of contact of teeth of herring-bone gear, thus the feeding takes place depending on direction of rotation because a cog-wheel cage works in the reversal.

Picture the 2-oil air system

        Air makes the pressure which distributes an oil down the oil pipe-line wall forming oily film and the oil doesn’t mix with air forming an oil mist. Under the air pressure oily film moves down the wall of oil pipe-line to points of contact of the mating details. While doing this lubricating material covers the surface of the mating details, and air is extracted out of a knot through the system of seals.

The supposed scientific novelty

        A novelty consists in replacement of the existent system of the liquid greasing into a new one, which will provide more high-quality greasing of the mating surfaces

The planned practical result

        By replacement of the existent system of greasing into a new one « the system of film lubrication», known also under the common name as system «oil + air» unprecedented economy of lubricating materials (by 30 times!) is achieved with the simultaneous substantial increase of term of service of knots of friction (at least by twice). Thanks to the universality the system is applicable in any region of industry without some substantial limitations.

Review of information about mineral oils and additives

        Mineral oils are a product received at petroleum distillation, it has a number of properties which plays important role at the choice of optimum oil.

                 •        Viscosity is inner friction arising up between the layers of oil during their relative movement under influence of external forces.
                 •        Temperature of solidification — temperature at which oil loses fluidity and gains characteristic of plastic mass.
                 •        Ant-oxidizing stability. The higher working temperature of oil is and the longer the availability of permanent volume of it in a mechanism (oil tank), the more intensive oxidization takes place and the more oxidization products are in oil.
                 •        Anti-corrosion properties are determined by the sensitiveness of the non-ferrous metals and alloys to action of organic acids being found in mineral oils.
                 •        Temperature of flash — is a temperature at which oil evolve steams which can be ignited from a fire brought to it. The temperature of flash is determined by the contents of easy-boiling or easy-evaporating parts of oil.
                 •        Temperature of self-ignition is a temperature at which oil catches fire and burns no less than 5 seconds.
                 •        Oilness, flexibility, measurability is the possibility of oil to stick up to the surface.
                 •        Coked is the property of oils to give off hard sediment (coke) at heating without access of air up to t = 500...600 0Ñ.
                 •        Ash percentage — quality of cleaning of oil and presence in it of fireproof substances, is equal to the quantity of the remain after evaporation, incineration and burning of oil.
                 •        Emulsify ability — the possibility of oils to form hard divisible mixture with water.

        Additives applied for the improvement of physical and chemical properties of oil are the following:

                 •        Anti-oxidizing additives (antioxidants, deactivators of metals).
                 •        The viscosity additives.
                 •        The de-compressing additives.
                 •        Washing the dispersant additives.
                 •        The anti-scoring additives.
                 •        Corrosion Inhibitor.


        Master's degree work on a theme  « A Study of two – high mill 1000 pinion stand serviceability as a function of liquid lubricant application in the Rail and Structural Steel Mill of Azovstal Iron and Steel Integrated Works» affects one of the sides of question about application of liquid lubricating materials. The given research will provide more high-quality control of the working state of pinion stand and use of the liquid greasing.
        The review of materials on the theme of the master's degree work showed that basic researches deal with the application of the liquid greasing in motor industry, in particular the operation of combustion engines is researched. Researches of the working state of pinion stand while using liquid lubricating materials is not practically considered, therefore the given master's degree work can become a basis for further researches and developments in metallurgy.

list references

        1.  LUBRICATION

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