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Tikhonova Nataliya Olegivna

Tikhonova Nataliya Olegivna 2006

Faculty: Mehanical

Speciality: Quality,standartization, the sertification

Theme of master’s work: "Procedures of the quality management system in high school"

Leader of work: associate professor ,c.b.s. Masyuk Leonid Mukolayovich

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       I am Tikhonova Nataliya Olegivna. I was born on March, 13, 1982 in Donetsk.

       My mum, Tikhonova Olga Vasilevna, was born on September, 26th 1952. in Dnepropetrovsk, in 1974 has finished Donetsk National university on a speciality of physics-biologists with red diploma .The same year married with Tikhonov Oleg Fedorovich. In 1990 has received the second economic formation. Now she works the chief inspector in Specialized tax inspection on work with large taxpayers in a Donetsk.

       My sister, Mihnenko Anna Olegovna, was born on April 10th 1976 in Donetsk. In 1994 has finished Donetsk economic technical school with red diploma and has acted on correspondence branch registration - financial faculty of Donetsk National university. In 2003 married with Mihnenko Ivan Pavlovich. In 2004 has given birth to the son. now she works the chief accountant of children's shopping center-entertaining " Plasticine ".

       I spent my childhood in district of Octyabyrskaya mine. There I lived for four years with my parents and a sister in grandmother's house. In 1987 we got a flat in the center of the city and moved there, but already with my mother and sister (by that time my mother had divorced with my father). I didn't like this new flat, because I could not imagine my life on the eighth floor.

       The same 1987 year I changed two nursery school, while finally I settled in "Berry" (there were the more democratic relations between teachers and " inferiors").

       In 1988 my friends and I became first year pupils of comprehensive school ¹17 with physics and mathematic bias. It was large happiness for me, to go to this school, teachers treated every pupil as their own child. I can say that school's years were the best for me. I found the truest friends exactly here. After leaving the eighth class I was enrolled in a special class with physical bias. When I was seventeen years old, I left school.

       IIn 1999 after leaving school I entered economic technical school of Donetsk on speciality “Book - keeper”. In winter 2001 I decided to estimate my knowledge of mathematic. I took part in estimating tests at the National Technical university of Donetsk, one of the most famous university. I took the second seat in the competition on my speciality. I thought that this knowledge on mathematics would be enough for me to enter the Economic faculty of the National university of Donetsk as well. I passed state examinations in technical school with the certificate of hounour. But I did not want to continue further economic education because I decided that there were more than enough economists and specialists with higher technical education are in demand.

       On the first of September, 2001I became the student of the department Physical material on speciality "Metallurgical engineering" of the National Technical university. I had a beautiful, small, but the friendliest group. The years of studies flew very quickly and funny in such a group. When I was a second year student I took driving lessons and got a driving license. I began to write my research works on the third course. Professor Gorbatenko Volodimir Petrovich was my scientific supervisor. Volodimir Petrovich is a prominent man. Gorbatenko's scientific works are published in many scientific journals. Under his guidance I participated in the study of influencing of heat treatment on a structure and properties of alloyed for steel cold rolling. I wrote the article about it and got the certificate for the best report at the conference "Day of science".

       At the end of the third course I passed my practice at the Novokramatorskiy Machine-building plant where I studied more detailed the theme of my research work. There I had a chance to deal with production and the system of quality. Thank's to its system of quality the factory is not only one of the best factories of our country but also takes deserving place in the world. It was the 1st cause of the choice of my speciality.

        In summer 2005 I got the diploma of a bachelor and entered the speciality "Quality, standardization and certification" of Quality management department.

       The beginning of 2006 was a new stage for me. I got married, that became the gladdest event in my life. Now I live in Yalta (Crimea) with my husband. But it does not in any way influence on my desire to study. I take an active part in the life of the department.

       Some students and I were invited to develop the system of quality management of the higher educational establishments.The theme of my master's degree work was chosen with the help of my supervisor — Masuk L.N. I am interested in many questions concerning quality and that's why I need a specialist advice. Under his guidance I take part in development of the procedure of the system of quality management on a department: “Recruting of bachelors on the department of Quality Management”.

       I hope, that my master's degree and my new and useful knowledge will help me to do the contribution to the system of quality on a big enterprise.

Abstract Electronic library References on under subject Results of searching for Individual task