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Report | Individyal task

Mishina Nataliya

The theme of masters work:



Ukraine                    Russian


        Urgency of a theme

Drainage natural’s gases are carried out of by means of glycols: ethyleneglycol, dieethyleneglycol. During removing of glycols from the drainage process, takes place environmental contamination by the salts which can be collected from natural gases to glycols which get. Therefore, development of a recycling method is very important for prevention of flora and fauna pollution, and it’s influences upon the human health.

        The purpose of work

Development of thriethyleneglycol a recycling way by means of acetone.


The general topic consists in development of thriethyleneglycol of a recycling method recycle, that is a drier natural gases which is economically and more qualitative substance.

        The problems solved

1. The analysis of a condition of a question and studying of references with the view to ways drainage natural gases and the mechanism of recycling technology of gas drier by different means.

2. The ecological importance of the problem.

3. Carrying out of laboratory experiment. Processing of the received data by means of package MS Excel.

4. Development of thriethyleneglycol desalting technology on the basis of the received experimental data.

        Object of research

Technology of thriethyleneglycol clearing from sodium chloride under various conditions of carrying out of experiment.

        The theme of research

Change of solubility of sodium chloride while changing the structure of solvent at various temperatures.

        Methods of researches

Experimental studes systematic, systematization of experimental data by methods of statistical data processing, methods of the correlation analysis, a choice of optimum parameters of a researched method.

        Carrying out of experiment

The fluidizer study of solubility included thermostatic glass filled with water. Water was intensively mixed with a propeller mixer. A cell, being a 15ml ampoule with narrowing in overhead part, which was densely closed with a polyethylene cork, was put into glass. The crystalline chloride of sodium, taken in surplus, and two-component solvent (a tree-glycol acetone or tree-glycol water) of the known composition, was preliminary placed in the cell. The exact meanings of the components solvent masses were found by weighing on analytical scales. The cell content was mixed with a steel bar which was revolved by a turned-on magnetic mixer.


The study of sodium chloride solubility in acetone glycol and water glycol solutions consisted in the following. At a stationary temperature intensive interfusion of cell content had being conducted till the state of equilibrium was achieved. Asit was found out, at a temperature of 25 degrees equilibrium is set during 15 – 20 min. After that, at a power-off magnetic mixer, there was the settling of salt crystals surplus. The test of the saturated solution was taken away by a syringe in order to determinate the concentration of sodium chloride. The test of solution was carried into the volumetric flask, weighed on analytical scales, and was weighed again. Then the test portion was diluted with the distilled water to the volume of 100 ml. For titling process aliquate part was taken in 20 – 50 ml according to the salt concentration in the solution. The analysis was conducted on the method of Mohr 0,05 N by the solution silver nitrate with the use of potassium chromate as an indicator. As a rule, the titling of the explored solution was conducted twice.

        The literature

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  • 5. Справочник химика, т. 1. —Л,: Химия, 1964. - 1168 с.
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