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магистр ДонНТУ Давиденко Мария Игоревна

Abstract of the master’s thesis:

«Estimation of FDI influence on regional economy development»

generated by:  Mariya Davidenko

research manager:   doctor of Economic science, prof. Vasilenko Valeriy Nikolayevich

Master's thesis (Russian)
Individual task
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Table of contents

1. Actuality of work
2. Purpose and tasks of work
3. Scientific novelty
4. Theoretical analysis
4.1 Objective pre-conditions of foreign investments (FDI) attraction to the regional economy
4.2 Estimation of the economic and social state of the Donetsk region
4.3 *(now is in development)
5. Conclusion
6. Bibliography

1. Actuality of work

The regional economy is an open system, which functions on the basis of specialization and regional integration, which is realized through the particular branch, regional economic and social links.

Economic and social potential shows Integral description of region. Basis of economic potential is formed by the size of the gross added value, volume of industrial production, products of agriculture and other components. As for the indexes of social potential, they are determined by amount of working people in all spheres of economic activity, index of retail commodity turnover of enterprises, volume of the realized services, etc.

Nowadays in Ukraine the development of investment-innovative process just begins. And, unfortunately, there yet are no effective mechanisms of innovative motivation in our country, and there is also no high-quality breach in attracting of investments. In addition, by estimations of economists Ukraine is still in a state of technological depression.

At first sight Donetsk region is successful in the economic sense . But the social and economic consequences of technological depression are especially sharply felt in miner's towns and settlements.

Therefore the choice of regional development strategy is actual for today. And for the correct choice it is necessary to conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of basic economic and social indicators and define influence on them of separate factors. Correct estimation of indexes is very important, as it enables to take into account territorial interests in making regulative decisions about complex economic and social development of region.

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2. Purpose and tasks of work

Purpose of work: Estimation of FDI influence on regional economy development

For achievement of the purpose it is necessary to realize the following tasks:

  • Analysis of objective conditions of foreign investments attraction in the economy of a region;
  • Estimation of the economic and social state of the Donetsk region;
  • Analysis of regional development strategy *
  • (*it is not the latest version, 3th part of diploma, is in development)

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    3. Scientific novelty

    A scientific novelty is in deepening of conceptual bases and ground of foreign direct investments influence on development of regional economy.

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    4. Theoretical analysis

    4.1 Objective pre-conditions of foreign investments attraction to the regional economy

    By the term "region" it is usually meant a district, part of country, which differs from other by the natural or historically formed, relatively constant economic, geographical and other features which often correspond with the features of national population structure.

    The term "region" is linked with the term "regional economy" which is scientific sphere studying the tendencies of productive forces location and forming regions. One of the functions of regional economy is the creation of different service productions and organizations, and also productions of the inter-regional function.

    Any region is an open economic system, which functions on the basis of specialization, inter-regional integration, which are realized through the particular branches, inter-branches and inter-regional connections. We can say that economically independent region is a basic economic link in a market economy.

    In the conditions of socialization of Ukrainian economy and its transformation to the market relations the investment require special attention as one of main elements of state economic policy.

    Fully regional approach to estimation of investment attractiveness of a region means ranging the administrative districts on socio-economic, ecological, infrastructural, socio-political, technological and geographical conditions of investing on the basis of the following indexes:

    1) level of economic development;

    2) level of investment infrastructure development;

    3) demographic regions' characteristics;

    4) level of risks;

    5) ecological indexes.

    Potential advantages of foreign investments for the national economy of country-recipient can be the next:

  • additional possibilities for restructuring and modernization of production, and development of private enterprise;

  • additional facilities for economic grouth of the country;

  • introduction of modern technologies, now-how from a management and marketing, creation of new and saving of present workplaces;

  • additional stimulation of domestic industries development ;

  • assistance to including the country in the international labor division;

  • creation of the conditions for reorganization of internal connections and conformities to the market ones, expansion of domestic enterprises experience on principles of market economy, assistance to the increase of the personal interest in the quality of the products.

    System of factors determining the investment attractiveness of country may be grouped in the following way:

    1. political and law environment;

    2. economic environment;

    3. resources and infrastructure,social and cultural environment, ecology.

    For the assistance to FDI attraction it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

    - simplification rules and instructions for licensing, taxation and repatriations of profit;

    - creation of new legal framework for the effective functioning of market economy;

    - finishing of privatization process and strengthening its reliability, and also reduction of limitations in restructuring of privatization of enterprises;

    - permanent efforts for strengthening of international country image, stability and reliability of its policy.

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    4.2 Estimation of the economic and social state of the Donetsk region

    General estimation of economic and social position is given by the gross added cost. For the indexes of the economic state I chose:

    - Volume of industrial products (works, services) in actual prices,

    - Volume of agricultural products,

    - Investments in the fixed assets,

    - Export of goods and services,

    - Import of goods and services,

    The indexes of social position are the following :

    - Average monthly nominal salary of worker,

    - Amount of the registered unemployed persons by the end of period,

    - Retail commodity turnover of enterprises in actual prices,

    - Requiring payment services to the population.

    These indexes were analyzed for period from 1996 to 2006.

    Basic conclusions after analysis of the basic indexes of regional economy are that our region takes leading position in creation of the regional product in Ukraine.

    Donetsk region takes the leading positions among the regions of Ukraine also on production of the gross added cost calculating on one person.

    I must also notice that by 2005 year the Donetsk region, as well as on Ukraine showed increase of industrial production. Most considerable increase in production is achieved in 2003.

    The positive changes were in the average annual wages, investments in the fixed assets, and also in agriculture.

    The volumes of FDI are also high in Donetsk region. Our region is included in five of the best regions with the most volumes of FDI attraction during the last ten years. Information about this regions is given in the Table N 1.

    Table 1. - Territorial-administrative units with most volume of FDI attraction [Source: Будкін В.С. Основні етапи та регіональні особливості залучениия прямих іноземних інвестицій в экономику Украины. // Региональная экономика №2, 2005, с 59-67]

    By 1.01.1995

    By 1.01.2001

    By 1.01.2005


    thousand dollars



    thousand dollars



    thousand dollars




















    Donetsk region



    Kiev region



    Dnepropetrovsk region



    Odessa region



    Donetsk region



    Kiev region



    Dnepropetrovsk region



    Zaporozhye region



    Odessa region



    Lvov region



    Poltava region



    Donetsk region



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    5. Conclusion

    Having analyzed the FDI influence on the regional economy, it is possible to make a conclusion, that increasing, foreign investments have a considerable influence on other socio-economic indexes of development of region. Foreign investments are able to promote efficiency of production and extend the markets of sale due to replacement of out-of-date equipment, application of progressive technologies in production, etc.

    It is also necessary to mark influence of foreign investments on growth of economy of region and rise of the demand on highly-qualified labour force. In addition, due to an oversea capital the middle level of life increases that reflects on increase in middle salaries and development of infrastructure.

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    6. Bibliography

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