Master's portal

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Mamontov Dmitry


Faculty: The Faculty of Energomechanic And Automation


Speciality: Hoisting-and-transport machines

Theme of master's work: Research of components of resistance to movement of the conveyor tape and development of ways of decrease in power consumption of conveyors

Leader of work: k.t.s, professor Grudachev Anatoly Jakovlevich

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    1. The average point during studying – 4,8.

    2. In 2006 I received the bachelor's degree in «Engineering mechanics»

    3. I speak Russian and Ukrainian languages.

    4. I know English good.

    5. I am fond of computers.

    6. My computer skills: VBA, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, MathCAD, Kompas - 3D.

My biografy:

     I welcome you, visitors of my page. Probably, you have casually got on it and I would like to tell to you about myself, about my hobbies and my friends. Let is start!


    I was born on November, 8, 1984 in the city of Makeevka. My parents, simple workers, spoke, that I was a restless child in the childhood, and they had to potter with me. At the age of 1,5 I was to kindergarden ¹ 4 and my teachers had a lot of problems with me. Yes, I was the fidget. Also what? At the age of 5 I was sent to another kindergarden.

    In the childhood I was a very curious child and frequently got to any sorts of troubles. My feature was to break and spoil everything, that laid, in my opinion, not on the place.

    Strangely I liked to collect and stick together various models of planes. And my parents admired my imagination and prophesied glory of the designer. I did not draw bad, and my parents decided to take me to children's art school when I go to the first class.

    In the childhood I received the brightest impressions when I stayed in the summer on the sea at relatives. Also I liked riding a bicycle and could travell it my district all day long.


    The first of September the day which I waited for several months. But I understood that lessons and home tasks would select a significant part of my free time. During the same period I was study in the art school. At school there was everything: absenteeism, outstanding home tasks then in house I received a decent portion of a belt.

    In the 4-th class something joyful happened to me – I was accepted to sportgroup in swimming pool "Trubnik". But how has of simultaneity to combine visiting pool and art school? After long reflections I chose the pool. For several years of trainings I participated and took prize-winning places in city and regional competitions.

    In 1995 I left to school ¹ 61 (liceum) in which I studied till 2002. My teachers treated me with trust, saw in me a responsible person, knew, that to me it was possible to address for the help because it was necessary to carry out their requests and the assignment.


    In 2002 I tried to choose a speciality for my future occupation. And I dreamed to become either the engineer-designer or the surgeon. As a result I entered on a speciality « Hoisting-and-transport machines».

    At university I met a lot of new friends and unique teachers whose lessons passed for me easily.

    One of my nearest purposes is the successful graduation of university by the winter of this year, reception the diplom of magister on my speciality. After that it would be not bad to find suitable and worthy work which will suit me not only from the points of salary, but also it will bring me creative pleasure. Further I would like to have a family, to bring up normal children.

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