Donetsk National Technical University Master's portal

Biography Ryabchuk Uliya Igorevna

Abstract theme of master's work:

"The research and development of coal enhancement to the saline."

Report about the search
Individual task

   1 Introduction. Urgency. Aims. Tasks.
   2 Essence of problem of salt coals

   3 DonNTU ‘wet washing – oil agglomeration’ technology
   4 Domestic research in the field of coals desalting
   5 World’s experience of salting coals treatment

   6 Conclusions.
   7 List of references

Introduction. Urgency. Aims. Tasks.

   Coal is one of main types of fuel and energy raw material. Along with oil and gas its booty is in the whole world increased, however much supplies diminish. Exactly on this account, scientists begin to search the new alternative sources of energy supply, namely engaging in fuel and energy balance of «salt» coal.

    The salt or «alkaline» is named coal with the anomalous promoted maintenance of alkaline minerals, mainly salts of sodium (Na) and potassium (K).

    First, this term appeared in 1952 and was formed, which studied brown «alkaline» coal of east Germany Lemmanom

    Two sources formation of salts of coals – salt water and containing breeds are possible.

    Pools, appearing in the off-shore-marine and lagoon terms of sedimentation, consider the example formation of salts of coals salt water: Illinois (THE USA), South-Wales, partly Donetsk (Ukraine) and others

    In the obedience to the second supposition gasoline of coal took a place among halogen breeds, where are row of deposits of paleogen-neogennog age, because of destruction deposits (Germany).

    Actuality problem of processing salt coal consists of arising up at its direct processing negative consequences, which exposed because of influence harmful admixtures being in coal. By the primary purpose of master's degreed, work is the research and development of enriching of coal on salt methods

Essence of problem of salt coals

    Basic difficulties, linked with the use of deposits of alkaline coals consist of the following. At first, they are conditioned the promoted scarifying ability of salt coals. Settling on the workings surfaces of boilers fusible connections, contained in salt coals, create terms for formation of durable slag layer, which it is impossible to delete ordinary methods for cleaning.

    The second negative phenomenon, arising up at incineration of salt coals, is intensive corrosion of metal, which is increased with the increase of temperature and maintenance of chorus sodium in coal

    Thirdly, especially important is an ecological problem of salt coals. At their incineration in an atmosphere meiotic acid, molecular chlorine and other, is selected connections, possessing the different degree of toxic ness

DonNTU ‘wet washing – oil agglomeration’ technology

    On the base of existent methods removal of salts in coal of DONNTU the phenomenological model of process removal of salts in coal was developed with the use of technology of oily agglomeration Phenomenological

    In a phenomenological model, technology removal of salts in coal includes six subprocesses. Initial salt coal is exposed to grinding down in presence the two-bit of oily agent Q1 (subprocess 1) after coal is placed in a water environment and mix in the turbulent mode (subbprocess 2). Salts here dissolve in a water environment (subprocess 3), and then there is their passing to the by volume phase of suspension from the surface of were not in oil areas and simultaneously partial adsorption of their ions on the surface of coal (subprocess4).

    The chart of phenomenological model was developed as a result of the use salt coals of the Novomoskovsk deposit "D" is easily soiled

Domestic research in the field of coals desalting

    Salt coals of Ukraine are concentrated in the Novomoskovsk and Petrikovsk (Western Donbass) deposits, and also on Starobel'sk area and in Millerovsk district (North Donbass, Bogdanovsk deposit) and behave to small metamorfizited coals D is easily soiled.

   The row of decisions is directed on a search and development of new rational hardwires and methods of incineration of salt coals. So the not unimportant deposit of such Ukrainian institutes was done in this area: deposit) and behave to small metamorfizited coals D is easily soiled.

   Dnipropetrovs’k chemistry-technological institute (DKHTI) -it’s made research of fitness of salt coals of the Novomoskovsk’s deposit for the receipt of the ennobled fuel the method of gasification. Thus as the base method of gasification of coals is utilized in a boiling layer under constraint.

   The most perspective is considering technology removal of salts in coal the water washing. A deposit in this direction was done the State institute of mineral resources of DIMR (S.D. Pozhidaev and other) and Donetsk complex department of institute of Vniipigidrotruboprovod – now NPO of «Khaymek» (Yu.G. Svitliy, Yu.F. Vlasov and other). The method of gasification of coals is utilized in a boiling layer under constraint.

   Other to worked technology removal of salts a technical decision of DKO Vniipigidrotruboprovod (now NPO of «Khaymek»). This method consists in the association of process of hydrotransport-removal of salts in coal.

World’s experience of salting coals treatment

   There are two fundamentally different lines of investigation of effective and environmentally friendly methods of salting coals treatment, which are being carried out at present. The first one assumes development of new ways of salting coals direct use without sodium and chlorinated addition agents removal. The second line assumes preliminary desalting with the subsequent use of the conditioned product in furnaces.

   Рис. 1. World’s experience of salting coals treatment.

   The second line of research, which provides for preliminary coal cleaning from salt (desalting), has been done in several scientific research centers. Most of the suggested solutions are based on different variants of salting coal wet washing.


   Because of theoretical researches, basic conformities to the law and specific features of process removal of salts were set on different technologies. The developed elements of theory of process removal of salts in coal in a water environment are taken to the following:

  •     Equalization for determination of efficiency removal of salts through the parameters of efficiency of dehydration of coal, concentrations of salts, is offered in initial coal, solution and diluted of suspension.

  •     The theoretical ground of the combined technology is given “removal of salts of coal washing is an oily agglomeration”.

    List of references

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