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Donetsk National Technical University Kozir Sergey Vjacheslavovich

Kozir Sergey Vjacheslavovich

Faculty:"Geotechnologies and production management "

Speciality:" Development of underground deposits "

Theme of master's work:Application of new fastening in mountain geological conditions to mine" Trydovskaia"

Leader of work: Kasian N.N.

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Urgency of a theme:

Now expenses on (Ñí) are taken into account only on their initial values including the big number of parameters, including cost of a fixing material, manufacturing , its transportation, delivery and installation to development. Thus the basic and auxiliary works are taken into account. Similar position and with an estimation of labour input of fastening, is especial in a final stage of this process. But term of operation of development on direct purpose (tâ), periodicity of its repair, first of all , (tâ / tí.ï - 1) at the between-repairs period (tí.ï) and expenses (Ñð) made at it in attention are not accepted. Operating experience of developments{manufactures}, it is especial in conditions of deep mines of Donbass, shows, that expenses of means for maintenance of developments in ' an operational condition make 40-67 % (at wooden - 145 %) from initial expenses (see tab. 21 [1]), and work - 40-76 % (at wooden - 90 %) at single repair. At long term of operation (capital developments) or direct influence of clearing works (preparatory local developments) the number of necessary repairs increases accordingly expenses for maintenance will increase also. Thus, by existing researches it is established, that the sequence of an arrangement of compared systems of development by criterion of specific expenses on 1ò. extractions not always coincides with sequence of their arrangement by criterion of an output of breed to 1ò. a stock of a site. It testifies as to imperfection of a technique of comparison of systems of development by criterion of an output of breed, and about imperfection of cost parameters on maintenance of developments which in the basis have been developed in 60th years of XX century. Thus, the expediency of an estimation of expenses for maintenance of developments is obvious in view of term of their operation on direct purpose

The purpose and problems:

The purpose of the given work is development of methods and parameters of the unit of anchors in mountain developments of mine. For this purpose in work the following problems should be solved: 1) An establishment on the basis of researches HEED volumes of breeds squeezed out in mountain development{manufacture} in various zones at not installations of anchors spent developments; 2) Development of computer programs by calculation of labour input of repair of developments and expenses for their repair.

Novelty and practical value:

Novelty of a theme will be, that on "Trydovska" the direction of application fastenings still poorly studied both his more detailed studying and introduction is my problem Practical value of the given work is the opportunity of more objective estimation of various systems of development at planning working off new fields, construction of new minesan opportunity of more objective estimation of expenses for repair of mountain developments that will allow to strengthen the control over this area of charges.

The review of available and planned results:

Calculation of displacement of breeds of a roof and ground calculation in program Excel on the basis Methodical instructions To course and degree designing at the rate “ Management of a condition of a pedigree file ” (section “ Preparing and preparatory developments”) for students of a speciality all 7.090301 forms of training.

Type of local developments

Figure 5.5 Type of local developments at their protection in a column to system of development.

In calculation it was considered: depth of development, durability of breeds of a roof and the ground, the average durability of breeds, type of the basic roof, type of artificial constructions on protection of local developmentscapacity of a layer, a corner of falling of a layer, the area of cross-section section of developmenta way of carrying out of development, itswidth, speed the drifter and clearing works, is long a wing. Calculation was carried out as follows:

The type of development on figures 5.5 and 5.6. (in a technique) is defined

The ambassador under table 5.14 of the formula on which it is settled an invoice .

    Table 5.14 – Formulas for calculation of final displacement in     sections of preparatory developments,    on single layers at density     for various ways of their protection

Number of development on figures 5.5 and 5.6

Formulas of calculation final displacement of a roof (UÊ) and ground (UÏ) âûðàáîòêè

1(b>60ì), 2



Use of this technique [5] has allowed to calculate size of displacement not only on the end of use of development but also at different stages of its existence (passage, development, ventilating development), that has allowed to define during what moment should repair is made, " allows to establish for each researched variant of system Development total quantity of rock which will be removed at covering development Qh.The total of breed removed from mine in the period of carrying out of development(Qd) and repair (Qf) – Qg,attributed to stocks a site (zu) :

Qf = (Qd + Qh)/ zu ,

also it is offered as criterion of an estimation of a variant of system of development. " [6]

Solved a problem with displacement there has come turn of calculation of expenses for repair.

The account of expenses for maintenance of development is offered to make on dependence:

Ñêð=Ñí + (tâ/tí.ï-1) Ñð,

Where tâ/tn.ï - possible number of repairs.

Cost of repair Ñð includes all kinds of expenses connected to maintenance of an operational condition . Expected expenses for liquidation of consequences breeds of ground can be similarly appreciated. In the latter case initial expenses are not provided by the project, however displacement of breeds of ground in development{manufacture}, breaking an operating mode of transport and ventilation, and in some cases and causing deformations , manufacture of works on ground demand.

For calculation of cost of repair by a necessary condition scoping breeds which are consequence of repair work is. Repair connected with occurrence of breed for cleaning (development, release of breed) is considered. The volume of breed formed at repair is connected directly to section of development up to, the ambassador and with the area of cross-section section at , and in work is accepted that the volume of let outbreed at is equal to a difference between sections after and up to . In conditions of designing it is difficult, at times even it is impossible to definethe area of cross-section section of development at the moment of repair work, but displacement of breeds which is equal to distance from the best point on a vertical of the center of development{manufacture} during the moment , up to same point is known at the moment of final displacement. To apply the resulted loss of section which is equal to a rectangular with the width equal to width to development{manufacture} and height, to equal size of displacement of breeds of a roof of the development which has been mentioned above. Calculation of several types a different pliability with different quantity{amount} of parts, in particular 5-òè and 3 with a pliability 600, 800 and 1000 mm was lead{was carried out}. At the end of research is received, that the attitude{relation} between the resulted loss of section (S 1 ) and real (S 2 ) is equal 0,98-0,99. (see fig. 1)

At present development of calculation of expenses for repair is still conducted.

Further it is planned to take into account influence of repair on the further condition of development " As process of deformation for different conditions is excellent including at different stages of existence of developments and there is a set of ways of struggle against this phenomenon practically for all conditions. Efficiency of each way directly depends on expenses at his realization and frequently application of effective ways in the certain conditions becomes economically unprofitable in comparison with carrying out of repair of breeds of ground of development.

The analysis of known results of natural supervision over displacement of breeds in developments before carrying out in them of repair shows, that she results in increase in intensity of process of deformation of breeds at a contour of developments [1, 2]. Thus she renders the most essential influence on displacement of breeds of ground, increasing their speed more than in 7 times concerning average speeds during the periods, previous repairs. Therefore during existence of development some repairs of ground are carried out{spent}. " [7] As well as with release and (or) development of breed also makes active displacement, they become more intensive, and also are planned to be taken into account

At the unstable and rather destroyed breeds within the limits of the arch of their natural balance after extraction occurs extreme frames at a corner of a natural slope 45-50 0 [3]. From here follows, that at mountain developments arises breeds. Thus it is necessary to note and that fact when in process under a body weight, and a part - it is necessary to destroy a part of breeds compulsorily manually or with the help of mechanisms. It causes increases in expenses and, hence, the account in the future researches.

the Conclusion

It is established on the basis of researches HEED volumes of breeds squeezed out in mountain developmentin various zones of maintenance development and in various systems of development. Development of computer programs by calculation of labour input of repair of developments and expenses for their repair is conducted, the basic directions of the decision of this problem are determined.

Used materials:
    1. Koshelev K.V. " Protection and repair of mountain developments "

    2. Koshelev K.V. " Maintenance of interfaces of mountain developments "

    3. Borzyh A.F. " the Maintenance repair and liquidation of mountain developments "

    4. Zborshik M.P.Nazimko V.V. " Protection of developments{manufactures} of deep mines{shafts} in zones of unloading "

    5. Methodical instructions to course and degree designing at the rate “ Management of a condition of a pedigree file ” (section “ Preparing and preparatory developments ”) for students of a speciality all 7.090301 forms of training.

    6. Negrei This year About the OPPORTUNITY of PREVENTION REPEATED BREEDS of GROUND of MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENTS AFTER THEIR REPAIR. Messages of the Donetsk College of mines ¹2, 2002 ð³ê (page 67-70)

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