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Donetsk National Technical University ; Master's portal of DonNTU

Магистр ДонНТУ Вербий Андрей Николаевич

Verbiy Andriy Nikolaevich

Faculty: Geotechnologiy and production management

Speciality: Labour protection in mining

Theme of master’s work:

Fire-prevention in mines buildings. Automatic fire- prevention safety of mine head frames

Scientific leader: professor, doctor of technical sciences, decan of head FGPM, U.F.Bulgakov

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About myself:

Average mark at university is 4,7. Fluent Russian, Ukrainian. English sufficient for reading and undestanding. I have working experience as an engineer of labour protection. I am fond of dramatic art.


I,Verbiy Andriy Nikolaevich, was born on 2 June, 1985 in Makeevka, Donetsk region.


I don’t remember a lot about that time, but I remember for sure that I liked to go with my parents to the park or zoo. My favourite holiday was New Year because all our relatives used to gather together for celebration and I always got a lot of presents. Also I remember when I first went to the sea-side: I built sand-castles and for the first time saw dolphins.


When I was 6 I went to secondary school № 93. I studied in that school till the 5th form. Then I went to lyceum № 1 of Makeevka. I liked studying there much more than in the ordinary school.
We had a lot of opportunities to develop our skils and talents not only within the curriculum: in scientific, musical, choreographic, theatrical, spheres. I tried myself in theatre and I was quite successful. With one performance we participated in regional contest of youth theatres and took the second place. I also actively participated in cultural life of our lyceum. I got a lot of diplomas for that.


Profound knowledge that I got in my lyceum helped me to enter Kharkov National Aerospace University named after M. Y. Zhukovsky and Donetsk National Technical University. And I chose DonNTU. My life at university was quiter than at school. I studied well, tried to take part in different performances and conferences. During my studies I met a lot of interesting and talented people.
I chose my speciality by chance but now I understand that I made the right choice. At present labour safety is an urgent problem: every year in the world more people die because of road accidents, wars, violence and AIDS. In Ukraine the statistics is horrible. It is extremely necessary to decrease production traumatism.

Masters work

The theme of my research work is not accidental. In Ukraine 160 to 200 fires happen every year. A lot of people die in the fires. Mine head frames are the most dengerous because they are very often higher than 70 meters. That is why automatizaion of fire-preventions at mine headframes is extremely important.

Future plans

I want to spend my free time travelling. I want to visit a lot of countries.

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