
Donetsk national technical university> Search system of DNTU


Zdorovitsa Nickolay Nickolayevich

Master at the faculty Geotechnology and Production Management

Speciality: Mining of Mineral Deposits

Theme of master's work :

" Research of technology of forming of quality of commodity products of heat-resistant and refractory clays"

Leader of work: Solovyov Gennady Ivanovich, associate professor P h D

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    Average mark in the period of studies in university 4,35

    Languages: fluent Russian, Ukrainian. English enough for reading and writing.

    Hobbies: Sport, Computers, Cars.

àíãëèéñêèé Nik.7785@mail.ru



   I was born on 7 July 1985 in Druzhkovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine.


    Father – Zdorovitsa Nickolay Ivanovich, 1954. He has higher educations in mining and economics. He works as a chief engineer at an enterprise.

    Mother – Zdorovitsa Lyubov Konstantinovna, 1959. She has a higher mining education. She works in a laboratory at an enterprise.

    Sister – Zdorovitsa Natalia Nickolayevna, 1979. She has a higher economical education. She is an entrepreneur.

    When I was two, I went to a kindergarten, where I was taught to read, count and write. I liked designing and constructing something special.


    In 1992 I went to school ¹12 of Druzhkovka. I studied very well. When I was in the second form I joined a football school. With my team I often took part in different competitions and won a lot of prizes. When I finished school I and my parents were given a diploma “For active participation in social events”.
    In 1999 I started courses in mathematics in Donetsk National University. I participated in different social activities, conferences, Olympiads in mathematics and National mathematic competition “Kangaroo”.
    In 2001 I went to the preliminary courses in DonNTU.
    In 2002 I finished secondary school.


    I decided to enter DonNTU. I had to take an interview to enter “Mining of Mineral Deposits” speciality. University life is the brightest, most interesting and exciting years of my life – new friends, new information, interesting lectures, excellent teachers.

     Now, after I got a bachelor degree, I am studying at a master’s degree course of DonNTU. When I was a second-year student I entered also the faculty of retraining, specialty “Enterprises management. Legal support of enterprises”.

     I got a military education at DonNTU, my military rank – reserve junior lieutenant.

     Nationality – Ukrainian.


     I appreciate the following characteristic in people: honesty, accuracy, decency.

     In the nearest future I am planning to defend my master’s diploma. After graduation I want to get some other qualification.

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