Master of DonNTU Belik Anna

Belik Anna                                             

Faculty: Computer engineering and information science
Speciality: Computer ekology and ekonomic monitoring
Group: CEM - 06m
Subject of a master's thesis :

"Analysis and optimization of models
                        of the use of material resources
                  of production enterprise"

Scientific adviser:senior lecturer Averin Gennadiy

of thesis to master's degree work

Introduction. Actuality of theme


         The inventories control behaves to one of key tasks of management by an enterprise. Presently guidance of industrial enterprises begins to realize a necessity and importance of decline of costs.

          On a modern stage enterprises look over the existent inventory control systems, new information technologies of management are inculcated. In spite of the fact that there is the tendency of decline of sizes of inventories up to work from wheels, supplies still co-star in the trouble-free providing of production process by necessary material resources (by raw material, materials, ready-to-cook foods).


          Optimization of level of supplies of material resources is the real lever of increase of competitiveness of industrial enterprises, considerable part of which is unprofitable and not sufficiently profitable. These enterprises sharply need realization of малобюджетных measures, providing freeing of the circulating assets inlaid in inventories. The decision of such situations on an enterprise is not possible without экономико-mathematical models. On itself formulation of basic principle of economic activity is the maximum of efficiency at the minimum of expenses of resources – implies active participation of mathematical design in treatment of vast databases, in prognostication of activity of enterprise.


Purpose and tasks of work

         The purpose of master's degree work is perfection of existent methods of optimization of supplies of material resources on industrial enterprises.

          For achievement of the put purpose the following tasks decide in work:

          1. Analysis and exposure of basic lacks of the known approaches and methods of forming of supplies of material resources providing continuity of production process of industrial enterprise.

          2. Development of maintenance of conception of optimization of level of supplies of material resources.

          3. Development of method of determination of level of supply of material resources, providing minimization of the losses related to vibrations management terms:


          it is exposure, systematization and analysis of factors having influence on forming of deficit or surplus of supplies;

          it is analysis of the possible losses caused by a deficit or surplus of material resources;

          it is development of model of minimization of the losses related to vibrations of terms of management.

          4. Realization of method of determination of optimum level of supply of material resources and estimation of efficiency of results of its application on an industrial enterprise.

          5. Development of practical recommendations on minimization of supplies of material resources.


Supposed scientific novelty and practical value

          Researches the minimum of the losses caused by vibrations of terms of management consists in development of methodical base of optimization of supplies of material resources on a criterion.

         Basic results of scientific novelty of final master's degree work:

          1. Development of conception of optimization at the inventory control of material resources on industrial enterprises.

          2. Development of method of determination of optimum level of supplies of material resources:

          it is exposure and systematization of basic factors having influence on forming of deficit or surplus of supply of materials;

          it is exposure of characteristic features of the losses caused by a deficit or surplus of materials, and suggestion of indexes of their quantitative estimation.

          3. Development of model of process of minimization of level of inventories within the framework of the logistic system of enterprise.

         4. Suggestion of the system of indexes of estimation of efficiency of results of realization of the offered method of determination of optimum level of supply of material resources on industrial enterprises

         Practical meaningfulness

          The use to razrabyvaemoy final master's degree work of method of determination of optimum level of supply of material resources allows to promote quality of administrative decisions at forming of necessary sizes of supply of materials on industrial enterprises, and also minimize inventories, that is instrumental in freeing of circulating assets of enterprise.


Current results

          The optimum (from lat. optimus is the best) supposes the method of economic conduct, economic actions the best from possible. As it applies to the inventory control of material resources optimization includes not only determination of size of supply taking into account a current situation both into an enterprise and after his limits, but also the uses of tool of different spheres of logistic with the purpose of reduction of supply of materials. Conceptual model of optimization of inventories in represented on the picture 1.

Stages of optimization of inventories

Picture 1.- Stages of optimization of inventories

         1th stage. The task of exposure and systematization of aggregate of factors which can have influence on the necessary level of supply and result in the origin of deficit or surplus of materials decides on this stage.

          Factors affecting level of present supplies of materials can be parted on three groups.

          the 1th group of factors characterizes influencing of suppliers. To this group behave: violation by the supplier of the graph of delivery of materials, disparity of quality of materials to the agreement, disparity of amount of materials to the agreement, disparity of the put materials on a nomenclature.

         the 2th group of factors characterizes influencing of buyers of products of enterprise, shown in the change of size of demand.

         the 3th group of factors characterizes influencing of proyzvodstvenno-khozyaystvennoy situation on an enterprise. Such factors behave to this group, as high fluidity and low personnel training, imperfection of the system of motivation of resursosberezhenyya, error of planning of necessity in material resources.

         Influencing of the first group of factors brings to the origin of declinations of actual period of delivery from planned one Q(tп) over. Influencing of two other groups is expressed in the change of necessity in materials as compared to the planned (normative) size Q(potr(tп)) in the period of time between two next deliveries.

          2th stage. The task of estimation of character and degree of influencing of factors on the level of production supply decides on this stage. The analysis of possible situations causing formation of deficit or surplus of materials is conducted. Quantitative estimation of size of possible deficit or surplus of supply is carried out.

          Most contribution to the study of theory of deficit was done Yanoshom Kornay. In work under the name «Deficit» he gives the following determination to the concept «deficit»: «it is absence of necessary resources for realization of some intention» .

         In the theory he comes from that the planned economy in principle can not objectively reflect the necessity of enterprises in different resources. The reasons of deficit are permanent errors in the calculation of necessity in one or another resources, which, in opinion of Kornay, inevitably result in nedovypusku of commodities in some industries. In a market economy the reasons of deficit are no «resource limitations», and the «limitations conditioned by demand» on the products of enterprise, and also mode of delivery of necessary material resources and their consumption in the process of production of wares.

         Thus, transformation of the concept «deficit» happened in the conditions of market economy, caused by the changing terms of management.

         3th stage. Optimization of level of supply of material resources is taken to minimization of the expected value of the losses caused by influencing of casual factors. That level of supply will be optimum, at which the expected value of losses achieves a minimum.

          4th stage. The exposure of «bottlenecks», complete or partial removal of which, will allow to shorten the size of necessary supplies of material resources.

          The results of analysis of influencing of factors on the level of supply of materials allow to define the complex of necessary logistic transformations in activity of different structures for the improvement of results of this activity.

          5th stage. The task of development of organizational measures decides on this stage, realization of which will allow to shorten the necessary supplies of material resources. Basic directions of liquidation of «bottlenecks» are represented in табл.3.

          Basic efforts on minimization of the losses caused by a deficit or surplus of material resources in the field of supply logistic must be directed on the decision of task of providing of co-ordination of actions of supplier and enterprise-recipient of materials for the observance of the planned terms of delivery . At the same time, the production logistic must aspire to providing of minimization of losses on production, and distributive logistic – to the increase of exactness of prognostication of demand on the products of enterprise.



         The basic problem of the economic planning of the use of material resources consists of necessity to distribute the limited number of necessary resources of every industry of production enterprise so that they fulfiled the production plans, and there was possibility to avoid the origin of bottlenecks in production. Thus, construction of optimization models of mezhotraslevogo balance allows in the conditions of narrow-mindedness of resources to find the most effective combinations of resources for maximization of the finished good. But information does not take into account optimization models possibility of origin of deficit of material resources. The therefore chosen method of optimization of the use of material resources is based on the following facts:

         1. One of basic ways of increase of efficiency of proyzvodstvenno-khozyaystvennoy activity of industrial enterprise is perfection of existent methods of optimization of supplies of material resources of industrial enterprises.

          2. The state-of-the-art review of the known methods of determination of level of supplies of material resources providing continuity of production process showed that:

         • the narrow aggregate of factors having influence on forming of deficit of material resources is taken into account;

          • the concepts of «deficit of supply of materials» and «surplus of supply of materials» are not drawn up clearly, the detailed analysis of the losses caused by them is absent;

          • the method of decision of tasks of determination of optimum level of supply minimizing the losses from a deficit or surplus of material resources is absent.


List of sources
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  2. Корнилова О.А К вопросу управления материальными запасами на промышленном предприятии. Выпуск 4. – Владимир: ВГПУ, 2004. – 264 с.

  3. Экономико-статистические методы в прогнозировании. М.: Наука, 1994

  4. Наянзин Н.Г., Корнилова О.А. Логистика: оптимизация запасов ма-териальных ресурсов: Учебное пособие. – Владимир: ВГПУ, 2006. – 136 с.

  5. Наянзин Н.Г., Корнилова О.А. Управление страховыми запасами на основе концепции дефицита

  6. Экономико-математические методы и прикладные модели / Под ред. В.В. Федосеева. М.: ЮНИТИ, 2001.

  7. Анализ и планирование финансов хозяйственного субъекта/ И.Т. Балобанов. – Москва “Финансы и статистика” 1998 г.

  8. Производственный менеджмент: Учеб. для вузов / Под ред. проф. С.Д. Ильенковой М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2000.

    Оптимизация управления материальными ресурсами предприятия. Закупки, запасы и их хранение.

  9. Особенности формирования и движения материально производственных запасов предприятия

  10. Выявление резервов снижения издержек управления запасами материальных ресурсов на промышленном предприятии


At writing of this abstract of thesis master's degree work is not yet completed. Final completion of researches is planned to 01.01.2008. The complete text of work and all materials on a theme can be got at an author or his leader after the indicated date.