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Donetsk National Technical University Cherkashina Tanya

Cherkashina Tanya

Faculty of computer science

Speciality: Economic cybernetics

Theme of master's thesis:

Efficiency increase of transporting and sales system on an enterprise

Leader of work: assistant professor, ph.d. of technical science Dmitrieva Olga Anatolyevna

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Middle mark during studying at university was high enough for entering magistracy without any problem. I perfectly know Russian and Ukrianian. Also I can speak and read English rather fluently, know French rather good for reading and writing and can read Greek, but only with a big dictionary. I have experience only in sphere of inventory logistics. I'm fond of reading. Also I like music, sports such as footbal and basketball, photography and European cinematography. I hate economics, conversations about policy and insincere people. Also I don't like when somebody try to compliment me for something or simply gratify.

Generally I hate writing about myself all, that differs on style from cv. But if there is necessity, let me begin.
I was born on March, 21, 1985 in Donetsk. My infancy passed in Ìakiyivka, in a small settlement called "Holodnaya Balka» (Cold gully). Now the name fully reflects a situation in a settlement. My parents, civil engineers, managed to combine my upbringing with working, which, as time went by, became more difficult to do. Therefore they gave me to the day nursery at first, and then in kindergarten. Besides that, my grandparents helped to bring me up. I spent with them a lot of time, which was the brightest memory from my childhood. My grandfather teached me to ride the bicycle and play chess. Thanks to my grandmother I know much about medicines. She worked as the head stuff nurse, and very often I went to work with her. In kindergarten for the first time I tried myself as a guide and led away all group to the mine (about twenty minutes of walking from nursery school). Although in this quality I looked very earnestly, for some reasons it did not please to the mentors. Also in kindergarten I tried to realize the permanent thirst for drawing, namely to body-art. My attempt to paint myself and my friends was not crowned by success. How it turned out, I had to draw on a paper, not on a body. At the same time I took part in all holiday performances. In addition, the study of English, and then its teaching to the children, became large fascination to me in a garden.
In 1989 my parents and I moved to Donetsk. In 1992 I entered school of the I-III stages, farther more the school of general education, #135. Here showed up my inclination to the studies and to reading. Also appeared extraordinary diligence which became even reason of the tiff with a headmaster. We too overdid in cleaning the class room up and flooded his office. In spite of everything, there were the most pleasant flashbacks and large number of friends and acquaintances from the first two years of studying at this school.

In 1994 I had passed to school #122. At new school I took active part in public life. I took part in the large number of Olympiads and competitions. Now there is stack of literary garbage from them in my book-case. Also I participated in KVN ("Club of cheerful and smart") and quizzes, in the theatre performances and annually conducted days dedicated to the memory of Taras Shevchenko. Here to my love to English was added fascination to Greek, which was taught at school as electives. I was very lucky with my teacher. She could have interested everyone in this language. I tried to participate in an all-Ukrainian Olympiad on Greek and took sixth place. When we passed to senior school, my passion to Greek notedly became weak and to the tenth form dwindled. In addition, my studying at school was connected with the lot of different hobby groups, starting with embroidery and concluding by dances. Honestly, all fascinations were ended as quickly as they flashed. In an eighth form while choosing specialization, I went into form with physics and mathematics specialization. In spite of the name most lessons held there were exactly Russian and literature (thanks to our teacher). Therefore our class knew at enough good level mathematics and physics, and also works of Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Tsvetaeva and others.

I am very thankful to my teachers, which not only gave enormous luggage of knowledge but also taught how to think logically and to decide any tasks creatively. Due to this I practically learned nothing during the first course. Studies at school were smooth and measured until 2002 year, when I graduated from Donetsk profile gymnasia ( In 2001 school was renamed) with a medal and different deeds. A question rose up before me: where I should go further?

To answer this question I had to choose from two alternatives: languages or programming. Again, taking advantage of coin, I decided to go to Donetsk National Technical University to the department of Computer science. My form-master greatly influenced on me while choosing speciality. She told that Economic cybernetics is the one, which is most perspective and suitable for a girl. Basically, now I don't regret about it.
I had successfully sat for my ratings and entered DonNTU on speciality Economic cybernetics, where I’m studying in a magistracy till now. Studies at university brought me a lot of acquaintances with new people. I have met new friends and interesting lecturer who strongly influenced on my maturity. My group turned to be bright and good. In four years time I have successfully coped with all program disciplines and passed bachelor exam. So now I have the diploma of bachelor. In addition, in 2003 entered DONNU (Donetsk national university) to the Department of the Adjoining and Additional professions, where I had got the diploma of "interpreter of business correspondence". The specialization is English and French. I am keeping in touch with my group from that speciality. Last year I had passed an exam on English and got a certificate about knowledge of English.

I tried to participate in conferences and university days of science, but after the first competition it became uninteresting to me. But about three years I had really large fascination. It was KVN. On the first course we even had the command consisting of freshmen only. We even came out in championship on the Cup of rector loudly and noisily... And we gained the first place from the end. After such failure we had to make very hard decision not to participate in championships. But there remained the days of faculty and departments. I took active part in their preparation, but before performance problems with my health appeared to be. Onetime I had sprained my leg, another I had caught a chill.

This year a question got up about the theme of master's work and about scientific adviser. I decided to do on the principle of the least resistance. And I have chosen a theme which I had been developing practically in all course works, since the third course. Primary title of my master's thesis sounds approximately so: « Efficiency increase of transporting and sales system on an enterprise». In spite of the three-storied name, a theme is actual enough and interesting, because planning of deliveries and sales, and also the inventories control on stock lately became essential part of effective work of any enterprise. Assistant professor Dmytryeva Olga Ànatolyevna became my scientific adviser.
In the future I plan to become the president of Ukraine... I am joking. On the whole, the idea of the future doesn't exist. It was create by those, who put everything off afterwards. There are only present time and past.That's why I prefer not to make plans "for five or ten years ahead", but live exceptionally at present time. And it is difficult to say, with what I'd link my life in the future. Meanwhile there lies the task before me to write and to defend my master's thesis. Also I'd like to find job in accordance with my hopes and abilities.
In the end, I’d like to say a few words about my nearest people, about my family. My dad, Cherkashin Boris Nikolayevich, presently is the director of private enterprise. Mother, Cherkashina Nadezhda Alexandrovna, works as medical statistician in a hospital. Also there is my sister Ann at. She is the second-year student of DonNTU, department of Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics. She is rather harmful, but good. We complete each other very well. Also my grandmother, Lydia Timopheevna, is living with us now. I have good and united family.

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