
Made by Gomozov O.V.

This section of references, which can be useful at implementation of similar magistrskoy work are resulted, other works of researches, and also in a help to all, who is interested in the theme of digital filtering

  • Specialising servers
    1. Scientific and technical library of SciTecLibrary
    Technologies, inventions, ideas, now-how and other scientific and technical developments in the most different areas of science and technique.
    2. Large Scientific Library
    Books on mathematics, applied calculations, physics and other disciplines.
    Site, devoted MATLAB, to digital filtration and another ways of the signal processing
    4. Analog Devices, Inc
    The English-language server of firm-producer mikrokontrollerov- Analog Devices,here can be got document for the processors of DSP, planning systems, to know news in area of mikrokontrollerov. Also it is here possible to get facilities for planning and debugging of software of processors of series of ADSP-21xx and other
    5. AlgoList - algorithms, methods, source codes
    Source codes of the programs and book on the algorithms of this subject.
    6. Science and technique is an electronic library
    Description of decision of equalizations (differentials, integral, polinom equalizations of general view, linear), work with matrices, integration, differentiation, rapid transformation of Fur'e and his application, operations with columns and other
    7. DSP-books
    Literature on the digital signal processing, algorithms and other great deal.
    8. Mathematical encyclopaedia MathWorld
    This resource contains the detailed descriptions of mathematical terms, methods, formulas, special functions, algorithms.
    9. Technical library of Moshkov
    Technical section of library of Moshkov, where it is possible to know about digital filtration.
    10. Wikipedia is a free encyclopaedia
    Wikipedia is a project of free multilingual encyclopaedia in which everybody can change or complement any article or create new. Now in Wikipedia 160 623 articles in Russian language and yet about 6 millions in 249 other languages.
    11. Site of professor Davidov A.A.
    On a site the aids of trains are presented on disciplines "Theory of signals and systems", "Theory of the digital processing of data" and "Veyvlety and veyvletnyy analysis". The concepts of signals and systems of their treatment, analysis and signal shaping, are examined, package of signals, spectrums of signals, modulating of signals, transmission of signals on the cables of connection, cleaning of signals ot noises, filtration of signals, rekursivnye and нерекурсивные filters, optimum filters, filters of dekonvolyutsii of signals, adaptive filtration, veyvlety and wavelet-transformations, veyvletnyy analysis of signals and information.
    Firm, specialized on the digital signal processing, to recognition of objects, systems with sensors.
    13. Association of users of MatLab and Simulink
    A site contains materials on the products of family of Mathworks: MATLAB, Toolboxes, Simulink, Blocksets and other The experiments of master's degree work were conducted in the system of MatLab, and information from this site was used. The characteristic feature of this site is to, that many sections are conducted by professors and associate professors which can put questions on interest you theme on the subject of this server.
    14. Signal and images processing
    Manages the section of A. B. Sergienko is a candidate of engineerings sciences, associate professor of department of Theoretical bases of the radio engineering of the Saint Petersburg state electrical engineering university. Different materials of section of Signal Processing Toolbox, which researches of final work were conducted by, are here described.
    Portal of developers of electronics, where it is possible to obtain information on a great number, to discuss mikrokontrollery and get useful advice on a forum.
    16. Educational mathematical site
    A site helps to master the use of mathematical packages for realization of different tasks.
    17. Epoch of charts
    Site on which information is collected and SOFTWARE, allowing to facilitate possibility of planning and design of microcircuits.
    18. Estimation of engineers
    A lot of reasons and documents is here collected on development of engineerings projects, including digital filtration.
    19. MAKNII
    Site of the Makeevskiy research institute. On him there is information about developments of devices, used in mining industry, their specification, short description.
    20. MAKNII hardware-programmatic complex KAGI
    Description, parameters and principles of work of complex KAGI, which is the object of research of master's work and his modernization is assumed due to the microprocessor device of DSP.
    21. Gazanalizers of mines,92,137
    Industrial specification of signaling the concentration of methane.
    22. Automation and telemekhanika. Computing engineering
    The articles, developments, documents and electronic books on different computing devices, computer-aided design and ACE, are presented.
    23. Electronics. Radio engineering
    Materials on electronics include a theory and different examples of charts of realization of the simplest devices.
    24. Educational resources
    Free access to the integral catalogue of educational inet-resources, electronic uchebno-metodicheskoy library for universal and trade education and to the resources of the system of federal educational portals.
    25. Informatics and technologies of informations
    Aids of trains on technologies of informations, including architectures, hardware providing of PC, different facilities of automation and other great deal.
    26. CHIPINFO     href="
    Radiodetails and electronic components, and also forum for the discussion of mikrokontrollerov and microcircuits.
    27. Electronic components and modern technologies
    There are books on this site, articles, information about the methods of the digital signal processing, translations of technical literature on digital alarm processors. This site is the representative of leading world producers of microcircuits: Apex Microtechnology, Analog Devices, Linear Technology, Texas Instruments, Traco Electronic. Here is some technical document on the processors of digital treatment.
    28. DSP - Digital Signal Processors
    Guides of users's: on the alarm processors of family of SHARC ADSP-2106X, on the digital alarm processors of family of BlackFin, on the 16 digital alarm processors of bits of family of ADSP219X, on the 16-?? digital alarm processors of bits of family of ADSP21XX, materials of seminar on the signal processing, taking place in a number of cities of Russia.
    29. ADC and DAC
    Guides of users's of built-in ADC and DAC are in the different processors of the digital signal processing, and also different information on these devices: application, tuning, improvement of indexes and other
    Theory and practice of the digital signal processing, consideration of different variants of digital filters
    31. Computer systems
    Analysis and development of digital rekursivnykh and нерекурсивных filters.
    32. All about signals .ru
    Theory and methods of the digital signal processing. Examples of development of FIR- and IIR-filters.
    Books, articles, magazines
    33. "Digital signal processing"
    Scientific and technical magazine, devoted the digital signal and realization processing on integral microcircuits.
    34. Magazines on electronics
    A magazine of Radio is the eldest (published from 1924) magazine for radio amateurs. On this site there is maintenance of numbers, and complete texts of select reasons, since 1998.
    the official site of magazine of ChipNews, published from January, 1996 is Here located. A magazine is addressed the developers of radio electronic apparatus and publishes mainly materials about the most modern electronic components and technologies, contains plenty of background paper and recommendations on application of wares of modern electronic technique
    35. Calculable methods and programming
    A source is an electronic magazine the great number of reasons and lectures is plugged in which.
    36. Devices on the base of DSP-processors
    Articles, engulfing application of DSP-processors, charts of devices, specification of processors of the digital signal processing
    37. Articles on electronic components
    Components and technologies are a scientific and technical magazine, informing readers about the state and prospects of domestic and world market of radio electronics development, about firms, workings at these markets, interview with the leaders of firms-distributors, with the representatives of foreign firms-producers. Novostnaya information, features of application of new electronic components, skhemotekhnicheskie decisions, and also technological equipment, used for a production and adjusting of wares of radio electronics, is presented in a magazine.
    38. Articles on DSP
    A section contains the periodically renewed articles, touching application of digital treatment for realization of different industrial tasks.
    39. Articles on PDSP
    Articles in which possibilities of the system of MatLab are described for the design of different situations at development and realization of devices on the base of processors of the digital signal processing.
    40. Microelectronics
    Microprocessors, mikrokontrollers, processors of the digital signal processing, memorizing devices, reception, transmission and transformation of radio signals, digital impulsive technique, analog technique, analog-digital and tsifro-analogovye transformers and other great deal.
    41. Analog technique, ADC and DAC
    Articles, engulfing information about application built-in and external ADC and DAC at development of devices on the base of processors of DSP.
    42. Collection of labours on science and technique
    On the indicated site labours, publications and articles, are presented on the different topics: physics, applied mathematics, technician, radiotrician and to other sciences.
    43. Discrete devices of semiconductors. Sensors.
    Information, described in the articles, resulted in this section, contains useful information about different sensors.
    44. Free books
    Materials (complete texts) of freely expandable books, given authors and publishing houses (on possibility in the form of original-maketov with source codes), and also messages of lectures, collections of tasks, programs of courses to different directions of science, take place on this page.
    45. Technical library: mathematics, optics, physics...
    On a site collection of references is presented to translated and initially Russian-language books which intuitional can be united in the general section of technical literature.
    46. Literature on the digital signal processing
    Plenty of textbooks and reference books is here presented on the topic of master's degree work.
    47. Public electronic library
    Enormous amount of books on engineerings sciences.
    48. Literature on DSP
    In this section of the specialized server it is always possible to find electronic books, scientific and technical guidances on the digital signal processing.
    49. Mathematics, numeral methods
    Useful information about numeral methods, allowing simplified to calculate difficult mathematical equalizations.
    50. Measurings and sensors
    Small library of books, related to the measurings operations, realized by sensors.
    51. Search of electronic books
    This system will help to find not only electronic books on the topic of work but also books on different disciplines.
    52. Automatic control systems
    Here is plenty of books, related to to ACE. There are materials, related to the digital signal processing.
    53. Catalogue of books
    Books on informative sciences: computer systems, architecture of calculable machines in a theory, facilities of vehicles, programs, interface, networks and komp'yuternaya connection.
    54. Programming
    Source codes of the programs, scripts, articles, books, textbooks on the algorithms of different subject.
    55. Electronic portal
    Compilers, programming environments, comptrollers, memory, ADC, projects on mikrokontrollerakh, reference books on electronic components, technical news, articles, catalogue of different charts, archive of electronic books.
    56. Kaskod-elektro. News
    On this site the articles are presented on the different topics of electronics: computers, peripheral units, pays of input-conclusion, comptrollers of microprocessors, devices of the signal processing on the base of DSP-processors, digital control systems, and similarly software.
    Sites of DONNTU
    57. Control systems of methane excretion in mine
    Abstract of thesis of final work of master's degree of 2003 Gurskogo A.P. on a theme "Development of the checking of selection of methane system along the line of zaboya in lava of coal mine".
    58. Treatment of EKG for the exposure of hypertrophy of heart
    Abstract of thesis of final work of master's degree of 2004. Panagi And. And. on a theme "Development of methods and algorithms of treatment of EKG is for the exposure of hypertrophy of heart"
    59. Ground of structure of fast-acting measuring device of concentration of methane
    Abstract of thesis of final work of master's degree of 2004. Pogorzhelskiy Y. And. there is "Ground of structure of fast-acting measuring device of concentration of methane of the system of gas defence of coal mines on a theme"
    60. Systems of passing of messages by the analog encoding
    Abstract of thesis of final work of master's degree of 2004. Tikhonov I. On a theme "Research of the system of passing of messages by the analog encoding at the use of code (7,3,4)"
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