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© DonNTU 2007. Romanov A.N.
Below are the results of search of pages in Internet.

Development of algorithms for protection of information systems against virus attacks

Table 1. Results of work of search systems on 10.05.07
Keyword Search system
google yahoo yandex meta rambler aport
"Проактивная защита" 41058 28000 165102 149 2900 4287
"Система безопасности" 732000 343000 264100 2312 48109 14000
"Информационная безопасность банка" 2135 209 96 7 86 1499
"Экспертные системы" 142750 57100 41961 401 10710 1985
"Нейронные сети" 174000 81000 38000 315 9150 14500
"Автоматизированная система безопасности" 3010 81 99 2 102 657
"Модуль проактивной защиты" 3199 986 752 34 197 870
"Proactive security" 508000 1217000 1428 31 415 2188
"Bank information security" 18270 1320 48 - 11 1480
"security systems" 10900000 18530000 268000 708 12000 6800

Table 2. Results of work of search systems on 10.06.07
Keyword Search system
google yahoo yandex meta rambler aport
"Проактивная защита" 44700 26000 143427 146 2766 4166
"Система безопасности" 652000 363000 247000 2377 46177 10000
"Информационная безопасность банка" 1910 251 144 4 92 1559
"Экспертные системы" 164000 51600 32843 334 9460 1211
"Нейронные сети" 201000 75100 40976 371 9605 15694
"Автоматизированная система безопасности" 2880 96 119 9 112 622
"Модуль проактивной защиты" 3300 1010 799 33 229 950
"Proactive security" 533000 1430000 1373 16 349 2541
"Bank information security" 21100 1470 39 1 7 1573
"security systems" 12500000 20000000 213589 695 12950 7140

Таблица 3. Результаты работы поисковых систем на 18.06.07
Keyword Search system
google yahoo yandex meta rambler aport
"Система безпеки" 9270 727 923 331 17 1655
"Банківська безпека" 21 16 23 10 10 428

    I have analysed results of search in the presented tables, it is possible to specify results of work of search systems obviously "leaders" among used search systems - google, yahoo and yandex.
    As the phrases used for search have been quoted, the result is more exact and authentic. On the basis of results, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that in time, which passed after the first search, the quantity of sites concerning my theme of master dissertations has increased.
    Curiously enough, but more than half of found sites are forums, guest books and amateur sites. At second half there is a duplication of resources. And, at last, having abstracted from resources with zero loading remains no more than ten percent of the helpful information from initial quantity.
    As to the information it is possible to allocate the following:
  • the Helpful information as a whole collects, that speaks about positive dynamics;
  • the Information with zero loading is in a permanent condition. It is complex to allocate positive and negative dynamics.
    Having analysed parameters on each of search systems, the conclusion follows, that as a whole the information collects. Average percent of positive dynamics, hence, too different. Exact figure there is no sense to name, as it will cause forecasting.
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