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Ilya Naftulin

Donetsk National Technical University: Ilya Naftulin

Faculty: Electrotecnical

Speciality: Electrical systems and networks

Theme of master's work:

The spectral analysis stator currents of induction motors with cage rotor

Scientific advisor is: doctor Polkovnichenko D.V.

Materials on the theme of master's work:
Report about the search
Personal task


About myself:

I was born in 1986 in Donetsk. My average mark at university is 4,78 out of 5. I fluently speak Russian and Ukrainian. My English is good enough for reading and writing, some speaking too. I am an experienced user of MS Office, MathCAD, MS Visio, AutoCAD, Photoshop and other programs. I prefer to spend my free time reading books, communicating with my friends or playing sports. I am interested in psychology, computer technologies and English.


So, I was born early in the morning – at 7 o'clock on September 10th, 1986. I wanted to come to this world so much that I decided to come into the first day of my life in the morning without any delay.

Then there was a question how to name this kiddy? By shuffling strips of papers with men's names my mother chose the name Ilya, the Russian form of the Hebrew name Iliya, meaning: God's power. So, I had everything to become a real person: my own desire, a surname, a name and patronymic.

My mother, Naftulina Irina Danilovna was born in 1950. She used to work as a doctor- bacteriologist, and now she is a private entrepreneur, in other words she runs her own small business.

My father, Naftulin Victor Anatolevich was born in 1952. He is a pediatrician of the higher category. Now he works as a medical representative for one of the international pharmaceutical companies.

Like most children, I went to a kindergarten, a remarkable place I must say, where I made my first friends, where I was taught the alphabet, how to read and write, count to 100, sing songs and even learn poems by heart. However, I could not understand some things. For example, why do you have to take a nap in the afternoon when you want to play instead? Or why should you spoil spaghetti, having to eat it with milk? Unfortunately, I never got any answers to these questions.

The next stage of my development was school ¹ 44 in Donetsk. There was a kind of an interview which I successfully passed when I was 7 years old and I so that was how I found myself in the strongest class, and not only a strong one but also very friendly. Our first class teacher was Belevtsova Larisa Vladimirovna, who actually was our second mother in the next 3 years of primary school.

Apart from my studies at school I was very keen on sports. I did some karate for quite a long period of time, I also I took boxing classes, went swimming, and now I go to the gym, on the regular basis. Sport has helped me become stronger not only physically, but also spiritually, develop some traits of my character, such as commitment, willpower and stamina to overcome difficulties, if there are some to arise.

In the secondary school, from the fifth form until I left school, my class teacher was a remarkable teacher and a very nice person - Tarasova Lydia Stepanovna. She managed to reveal my real interest in algebra and geometry.

When I was in the 10th form our school formed a class with physical and mathematical bias, where I continued my studies. It was the most exciting time in my school life. I began to clearly realize the real purposes and prospects of my life. Taking into account a growing demand for engineering trends and my abilities in exact sciences, I chose to enter the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU in short). Furthermore, I successfully passed some rating tests and was enrolled as a student of Electric Power Plants speciality, on the budget basis (so to say – free of charge).

However, whereas the choice of university was the act of deliberateness, the choice of the faculty and speciality had a random character, as this decision was influenced by colourful descriptions of power plants in the advertising brochures for university entrants.

From the first days of my studies I could feel all seriousness of the educational process and responsibility. From the second year of studying I began to show greater activity and diligence in my studying. The results were the following: I permanently participated in students’ Olympiads and scientific conferences on the study of the strength of materials, business Ukrainian language, electric machines, and even in All-Ukrainian competition of students’ works in “Electrical engineering”.

Using the modular system of knowledge assessment, and the opportunity to get the “automark” in all subjects, my favourite time was the examination sessions, while others were anxiously taking there exams, I could go free as a bird on holiday to one of the resort zones of our big and independent state. I must add, that considerable growth in my progress made possible the change of my speciality to “Electric systems and networks” after the second year.

I feel really grateful to the Student's committee for winter holidays organization. During my studying at university I have visited Kyiv, Svjatogirsk and Lviv. There were many pleasant impressions which will remain with me all my life.

Like any other student I wanted to become not only an expert in my field, but also to have a financial source of income. Therefore, during the 3rd and 4th years of studying I worked as a laboratory assistant at the department of “Electromechanics and theory of electrical engineering”. It helped me to take a closer look at electrical engineering and to improve theoretical knowledge in practice.

However, I always wanted to develop further. I clearly realized that the academic knowledge received at the university is not enough for a successful career in future. It is necessary to know a foreign language, to develop your leadership qualities and communicational skills.

The result of my assiduous work on myself was practice for students at the international company “British American Tobacco” in Pryluky in 2007. Working there I became aware of my strong and weak points. I learned how to set targets and reach them. I learned to take the responsibility and to meet my commitments. I have clearly defined the priorities and the criteria to correspond. Now every day I end up planning the following.

The theme of my master’s thesis is defined as "Spectral analysis of stator currents induction motors with cage rotor". The urgency of the given theme lies in the fact that nowadays induction motors of alternating current are the largest consumers of electric energy (about 80 %). In many manufactures sudden failures of the induction motor can lead to irreparable consequences. Besides, operating electric motors in unsatisfactory technical conditions results in direct financial losses connected with unpredictable failure of the equipment and, caused by this, infringement of technological process, and significant (up to 5-7 %) indirect unproductive expenses of electric power caused by the raised power consumption (at the same useful power). Therefore there is a necessity of diagnostics of the condition of the induction motor during its work. Recently other countries have developed methods of diagnostics of the condition of induction motors, based on performance of consumed current monitoring with the subsequent performance of the special spectral analysis of the received signal, which allows defining a condition of various elements of the induction motor with a high degree of reliability.The important advantage of such approach is that monitoring of the induction motor current can be executed as well as directly on it, and also in the electrical control unit.

And in conclusion I’d like to say a few words about my plans for the future. In the near future I am intending to successfully get my master’s degree and to receive the diploma of the master with honor. The basic criterion in choosing a job becomes an opportunity of career and personal growth. I do not confine myself within the limits of work of my speciality. In fact, a master is an analyst who is capable to understand any technological process and to become proficient in any industrial sphere.


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