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Master of DonNTU Zhdanovich Nataliya Volodymirivna

Master of Electrotechnical Faculty of DonNTU Zhdanovich Natalya Volodymirivna

Speciality: Electrical Systems and Networks

Qualification work theme: «Experimental definition of syncronous mashine equivalånt circuit parameters when field winding presented like multiloop circuit»

Project chairman: associate professor Larin A.M.

E-mail: tul4ita@mail.ru
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      In the modern times for the calculation of transient processes in syncronous machines are used such equivalent circuits, in which supposed that circuitry of the stator windings, field and damper windings have magnetic tie only through main magnetic field by the mutual reactance (fig.111). Such T-schemes with satisfactory accuracy repel transients in stator winding, but cause unacceptable errors at the field winding currents calculation.

     That's why the SM model in the form of multiloop equivalent circuit in combination with Park equations has no sufficient flexibility and can not be used for improved investigation of thransients in the generator field winding.

     Actuality. Nowadays for the mathematical description of syncronous motors the most developed is the system of full differential equations. Transient processes modelling needs renown of defined aggregate of active and reactive resistances, which reflect the tie between currents and magnetic linkages in the mashine circuits. Such source information is presented like equivalent circuits, which have different level of detail. For even structure of equivalent circuit using the PC is necessary to make the responce calculation program. That's why the task of development of the unitary approach to modelling the transients by using the different structure equivalent circuits.

     Review of existing researches. By members of Syberian research institute of power engineering (Russia) were proposed and obtained compound equivalent circuits of the turbogenerators. The main difference of such equivalent circuits is presenting the damper system by the d- and q- rotor axis in the form of main damper circuit, which comprise magnetic linkage flux between stator,rotor and a number of local circuits which include fluxes of magnet leakage and field winding. In that case generator field winding, it's damper winding and circuits, which baffle mutual inductance are characterized by composite dependencies from high level slip (fig.2).

     Objective of the given masters work is the composed equivalent circuit reduction method development from one type to another, the most handy for calculations and modelling. It lets to constitute the universal program for calculations on the PC for investigating of different types of transients.

     Practical value of the work.

   1) Proposed the processing method source data from AC mashines short circuit arc test. It helps to obtain more specific information about mashines electromagnet parameters.

   2) The work results let to substantiate the necessity of alteration in ÃÎÑÒ 10169-77.

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© DonNTU Zhdanovich Natalya 2008

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