Nataliya Razumnaya

Faculty of ecology and Chemical technology

Speciality: ecology of the chemical industry

Theme of master's work:

Research of formation of reagants for disinfekting water at interaction of chlorate of sodium with salts of cobalt

Leader of work: Jyliya Mnuskina



Masters DonNTU


Personal details

Date of birth March 15,1986

Citizenship Ukraine

Address 7/2 Fomina st. , Donetsk, 83096, Ukraine

Short biography:


1989-1992 Kinder garten «Horovod»

1993-2003 Comprehensive Secondary School ¹ 55

2003-2007 Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of ecology and Chemical technology, Speciality: ecology of the chemical industry

Degree: bachelor’s of sciense in ecology

2003-2008 Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of ecology and Chemical technology, Speciality: ecology of chemical industry Scientific master’s work

Work experience:

September, 2007 Technological practice Scientific industrial company «Ferrit»,Donetsk, Ukraine Temporary job as an assistant at the plant laboratory

July, 2006 Engeeniring practice Open Ltd. Company «Donetskcoke», Donetsk, Ukraine Temporary job as an assistant at the plant laboratory

July, 2005 Educational practice Donetsk botanical garden,

The Station of filtering water, Yasinovataya, Donetsk region, Ukraine

The Coke-chemical plant, Rutchenkovo, Donetsk region, Ukraine

Donetsk plant of chemical reagents, Donetsk, Ukraine

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, basic English

Computer scills: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access), VBA, Turbo Pascal, MathCad, MatchLab, Statistica, Statgraphics, Corel Draw

About my self :Punctual, reliable, responsible, reliable, hard-working

Hobbies: Dancing, cooking, reading