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Ìàãèñòð ÄîíÍÒÓ Ïàðâèíà Òàòüÿíà Ãåííàäüåâíà

Parvina Tatyana

Faculty: Economic

Speciality: Innovative activity management

Theme of master's work: «Organizationally-economic mechanism of innovative activity management in an enterprise»

Leader of work: Kravchenko S.I.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library | Links | Report about the search | Individual task




In the modern terms of menage one of important factors of the effective long-term functioning of domestic enterprises is successful realization of innovative activity which will allow to a great extent to provide socio-economic development sew on countries. However carried out introduction of different sort of innovations on domestic enterprises, as a rule, is from time to time, but not on permanent basis, that is stipulated low innovative activity on Ukraine. So, while in the developed countries (for example, Germany) specific gravity of industrial enterprises which carry out innovative activity, 70% attained as early as 1999, and there is a tendency to growth, in sew on to the country he, for example, in 2006 was at the level of 10% [9]. To one of reasons of such low innovative activity in Ukraine along with a shortage financial and other resources there is absence of the proper experience in a management innovations and effective teoretic tool of forming of mechanism of management innovative activity in the modern terms of market economy. Thus effective realization of innovative activity is possible during its optimum organization. Thus, for a successful management innovative a necessary condition there is forming and use of integral organizationally-economic mechanism of management innovative activity, which would foresee clear efficiency of his elements and efficiency of their co-operations.
Objekt researches are a - process of management innovative activity of enterprises.


Modern terms of management one of the most essential factors of the effective long-term functioning domestic enterprises there is successful realization of innovative activity which will allow to a great extent to provide socio-economic development sew on countries. However from data of statistics innovative activity of enterprises lately has a tendency to the decline. To one of reasons of low innovative activity in Ukraine along with a shortage financial and other resources, and also by a vagueness and risk of innovative activity, there is absence of due experience in a management innovative activity in the modern terms of market economy. One from the features of management innovative activity there is providing of high-quality acceptance of decisions in terms vagueness and risk. However, creation of necessary is instrumental in the successful performance of this objective in most cases organizational structure, that especially topically for large enterprises. Process management innovative activity foresees realization of certain functions, related to organization, planning, motivation, adjusting and control of introduction of innovations. With the purpose of providing of efficiency of this process on domestic enterprises the proper systems of realization of the indicated functions must be created, I.e. it is necessary to spare separate attention forming of effective mechanism of management innovative activity, both in a theory and in practice. the analysis of existent determinations of concept "Management mechanism" is presented in work, which exposed the ambiguousness of looks on formulation of this concept. The generalized determination of mechanism of management of innovative was thus offered by activity - as an aggregate of elements co-operation of which will allow to provide realization cyclic repetitive process, directed on the successful leadthrough of activity from the generation of idea and further it formalizations in a new product, claimed users. Thus a management mechanism plugs in itself many aspects to innovative activity, such as organizational, economic, financial, legal, social and other which present by itself separate subsystems. To one of most essential is an organizationally-economic subsystem of management mechanism by innovative activity of enterprise. Classic determination of the organizationally-economic system is the difficult interdependent aggregate of elements - organizationally, economic. By a primary purpose organizationally-economic mechanism of management innovative activity there is providing of favourable organizational and economic terms for realization of innovative activity. Under the organizationally-economic mechanism of management innovative activity the interdependent is understood aggregate of basic elements as constituents of organizational and economic influence. Organizational a constituent of mechanism of management innovative activity is an aggregate of methods and levers of optimization terms and processes of organization of introduction of innovations on an enterprise. Next of the examined constituent of organizationally-economic mechanism of management of innovative activity of enterprise is a constituent, related to the economic aspects of realization of management mechanism. It is an aggregate of methods and levers, providing the economic terms of realization of innovative to activity and estimation of economic efficiency of executable innovative transformations. Executing component parts of organizationally-economic mechanism of management innovative activity certain functions are laid on and complement each other, the same, forming complex organizationally-economic mechanism of management innovative activity. Thus in the process of co-operation of constituents of this mechanism efficiency of functioning of the system is not equal to the sum of the effektivnostey functioning of its components.


The mechanism of management and his practical realization Described higher will be instrumental in strengthening of innovative to the constituent of enterprise and transition in business to the innovative type of the economy growing. Thus realization offered theoretical conclusions and methodical positions will allow to render substantial influence on the state of development questions of theory of management innovative activity, and also will result in the considerable increase of efficiency enterprise, activity of innovative business, and similarly to development of economy of Ukraine on the whole.

Completion of work on the topic is planned in December of year. Materials can be got for the author of work.


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