
DonNTU      Masters of DNTU

Bondareva Anna

Study: The faculty of geotechnology and production management

Speciality: Labor protection

The theme of master's thesis: "Decline of traumatism from bringing on the exsample of "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine.

The supervisor of the reserct: V.I. Nikolin. Doctor of technical sciences, professor.

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"Decline of traumatism from bringing on the exsample of "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine.



          The coal industry is one of the largest branches of the national economy of Ukraine. The coal share makes not less than 94 – 96 % in the total amount of consumed internal energy carriers of the country. Maintenance of the necessary and enough amount of extracted coal is a guarantee of power independence of the state. Geological coal reserves in Ukraine are available for hundreds of years.

         In the structure of professional pathology the share of the diseases caused by harmful influence of dust occupies one of the first places. Most often diseases are registered at drifters.

         Well-known position does not require some additional confirmations that coal industry behaves to the most difficult industries of heavy industry. It is impossible even to transfer the enormous number of researches, monographs, reasons, normative decisions, directed on the decision of problem of safe development of coal deposits, but, still, a traumatism remains impermissible ever-higher.

         From the known, practically normative list of fifteen dangerous production factors (IT) it is necessarily necessary to select two principle different on their essence of variety: - natural; - organizationally - technical (organizationally-production).

         That to eliminate inevitable different opinions, interpretations, discussions about what from IT, it is necessary to attribute to one of two íàçâàííüïñ varieties, will define our positions on the discussed question taking to account that almost exceptional sense of writing a monograph consists in the ground of scientific and technical decisions, directed on the decline of traumatism.

The purposes and tasks


         By the main task of analysis of accidents and a decline of traumatism is exposure of reasons, causing a traumatism, the removal of which would be instrumental in his decline, and afterwards complete removal. As a rule, every accident, what be going on on a production, the phenomenon is a multifactor. It compels to make the deep and comprehensive analysis of traumatism.

The general data on "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine of SE Donetsk coal power company"


         The mine "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine is the division of the state enterprise «Donetsk coal power company».

         The size of the mine field makes 9.0km in strike and 3.5km - in dip.

         For the past years at "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine average rates of preparatory developments have made 2-3 km. In 2004 – 2005 all working were developed by drilling and explosive method, in view of deterioration of heading combines and their absence at mine. In 2006 along with drilling and explosive works they started the working of conveyor slope by a new combine ÊÑÏ - 32.

         The airing at the mine is combined, central - carried, the method of conditioning is sucking.

          Fresh air gets into the mine through eastern air and cage shafls. The mine air gets out of the mine through ventilating and skip shafts.



         In durance vile, will underline that main in higher speaking, it is a necessity of realization new, economic, expedient going near application of methods of prevention of traumatism from the displays of mountain pressure, taking into account unknown property of tense array before.