

DonNTU      Masters of DNTU

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Kondakova Julia Vladimirovna

Study: The faculty of geotechnology and production management

Speciality: Labor protection

The theme of master's thesis: "Normalisation of labour sofety conditions concerning the dust factor on the exsample of "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine.

The supervisor of the reserct: Bulgakov Yurij. Doctor of technical sciences, professor.

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"Normalisation of labour sofety conditions concerning the dust factor on the exsample of "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine.


          The coal industry is one of the largest branches of the national economy of Ukraine. The coal share makes not less than 94 – 96 % in the total amount of consumed internal energy carriers of the country. Maintenance of the necessary and enough amount of extracted coal is a guarantee of power independence of the state. Geological coal reserves in Ukraine are available for hundreds of years.

         In the structure of professional pathology the share of the diseases caused by harmful influence of dust occupies one of the first places. Most often diseases are registered at drifters.

         In future, considering prospective increase in coal mining, there will be a sharp growth of intensity of dust-emission. It will make the situation with the dust factor even more difficult. Even effective complexes of engineering anti-dust means cannot provide decrease in concentration of dust on workplaces of miners to admissible sizes. In this connection application of means of individual defence of the breathing organs is a complex integral part of antidust actions for the prevention of dust aetiology deseases.

         Thus, it is very important to choose the criteria of the level of dust factor influence which should include not only definition of dust concentration of a dust in the air of working zones, but also the estimation of the dust loadings having crucial importance in the development of lungs pathology, forecasting of professional disease and working out of administrative actions.

         The decision of questions of struggle against a miner dust and prevention of professional disease pneumoconiosis and a dust bronchitis on collieries has important socially - economic value that defines a theme urgency of the master's work devoted to this problem.

The purposes and tasks

         The main objective is to decrease the level of professional disease of miners; to improve the method of forecasting the dust content in the mines air; to develop actions to prevent pneumoconiosis. To apply methods and ways of dust-suppression and dust-removal of the mines air.

The general data on "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine of SE Donetsk coal power company"

         The mine "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine is the division of the state enterprise «Donetsk coal power company».

         The size of the mine field makes 9.0km in strike and 3.5km - in dip.

         For the past years at "Oktyabrsky rudnik" mine average rates of preparatory developments have made 2-3 km. In 2004 – 2005 all working were developed by drilling and explosive method, in view of deterioration of heading combines and their absence at mine. In 2006 along with drilling and explosive works they started the working of conveyor slope by a new combine ÊÑÏ - 32.

         The airing at the mine is combined, central - carried, the method of conditioning is sucking.

          Fresh air gets into the mine through eastern air and cage shafls. The mine air gets out of the mine through ventilating and skip shafts.

Complex of antipneumoconiosis

         At each mine the project of complex dust - suppression should be made. At mines the project is developed according to "Guidance on anti - dust measures in coal mines". It is ratified by the technical director of the production association (the chief engineer).

         Besides the technical actions, to prevent pneumokoniosis it is important to use antidust respirators and biological methods. Anti - dust respirators are used when the complex of antidust measures doesn't decrease the dust content to the permissible concentration. Biological methods include: inhalation of aerosoles of 1% - solution of carbonic petassium; ultra - violet illumination and prophylactic died.