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Master DonNTU Sheyin Evgeni Juryiovich

Sheyin Evgeni Juryiovich


The faculty of geotechnology and management of enterprise


Mining of mineral deposits

The theme of master's thesis:

"Analysis of deformation peculiarities of rock mass containing workings with roof bolting on structural models from equivalent materials"

Leader of work:Associoated Professor, PhD., Novikov A.O.
Novikov A.O.


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       I was born on May, 7th, 1986 in the small miner's city of Dzerzhinsk. The trade of the miner in our family always was held in high esteem. The love to coal business from the father to the son was from generation to generation passed. Therefore and my father, Sheyin Jury Leonidovich, in the footsteps of the grandfather, has worked on mine as a section foreman. Now - on pension. Mother - Sheyin Galina Aleksandrovna, works in a health centre of mine of "F.E.Dzerzhinskogo" as a medical assistant.

       Carefree time in my life, as well as at the majority of children is a childhood. After a kindergarten I have gone with big pleasure to school. The feeling of responsibility for study at me was saved throughout all 10 school years. My favorite school subjects are history, geography, astronomy and the literature. At school I studied well, therefore to enter the university has not made the big work. In 2003 I have entered DonNTU.

       On September, 1st, 2003 my student's life at university has begun. The new teachers, the new subjects, new interests have made various and fascinating the first year of education. At that time I studied to overcome difficulties. On the second year I have entered on the second speciality in DonNTU "Factory Economics". I consider that the present engineer necessarily should have knowledge in the field of economics. It has appeared difficult enough to combine two specialities, but in too time it is interesting to see, how sciences are closely connected. And use of knowledge of one discipline in others allows to conduct more in-depth research and to do more exact analysis. On the years when have started to teach disciplines which directly touched a speciality, interest more and more increased. In 2007 has gained the bachelor's degree on a speciality "Mining of mineral deposits" and has decided to go further, having entered the magistrates. A subject of mine jobs: "Analysis of deformation peculiarities of rock mass containing workings with roof bolting on structural models from equivalent materials". My head Novikov Alexander Olegovich, a Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer of chair «Mining of mineral deposits». I am very glad, that I am engaged in researches under the guidance of Novikova A.O. as he is professional in the business and it is very easy to work with him. In February, 2008 has gained the bachelor's degree on a speciality "Factory Economics" and has entered on the specialist.

       In a year I will plane to finish a magistrates, and also to finish successful the second speciality. I want to find my place during lives, job which will give pleasure to me and advantage to other people.

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