Donetsk National Technical University Yalanskyy Artom Valer'evich

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DonNTU      Masters of DNTU

Masters DonNTU Yalanskyy A.V.
Yalanskyy Artom Valer'evich

Study: The faculty of geotechnology and management of enterprise

Speciality: Mining of mineral deposits

The theme of master's thesis: Research of features of co-operation of fastening of the mountain making of deep mines with a containing array at forming round making of area of the blasted breeds.

The project chairman of my master's thesis: Petrenko Yurij. He is doctor of technical sciences, professor.

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The main things about myself

         The average mark during the study time was 4, 45. I can fluently speak Russian, Ukraine and Polish. I have got basic knowledge in English and I work hard to speak in fluently.
         Freely I own the Russian and Ukrainian languages.
         For period of passing a practical worker got experience for specialities, worked as a driver.
         I own such computer programs: Word Microsoft, Excel.
         I carry with football, basket-ball. I like to listen music and it is simple to rest.


          I was born on 31 July, 1986.
         My father - Ylanskyy Valeryy was born in 1964. He is a driver.
         My mother - Ylanskaya Galina was born in 1965. My mother died on January 2002.
         My happy childhood began in kindergarten “Smile”. There I met my first friends and my first teachers. That was there when I understood what is good and what is bad. I was fidget here and there and everywhere. In the kindergarten I took part in all children’s festivals and competitio


         After ending of garden it is time to go to school. on September, 1, 1993 with the bouquet of flowers and with satchel pick-a-back I went out first time into A-one. At school studied well. To the sixth class was otlychnykom, but did not get praiseworthy folias from the unsatisfactory conduct. Completed courses of autoschool and successfully got driving udostovyrenye of category of «Â» Took active part in life of class and school. As soon as I went out into A-one, I wanted to be engaged in football and parents I was taken in a sporting section.


          In the end odynadtsatogo of class to me, as well as all graduating students, it was needed to do the choice of educational establishment.
         As I studied well, speech of yshla about higher educational establishment. From all institutes and universities I the choice stopped for by Donetsk National Technical University. Because I live in miner's region, the choice of speciality was not difficult, I had decided to become a mountain engineer and chose speciality «Development of useful deposits and geomekhanycheskye processes of mountain production».
         After school to me it was heavy adaptyrovatsya to the studies in Institute of higher, the first session appeared for me as heavy as lead. But then was all put right. On tretem course I acted on the second higher education in the center of the in-plant and retraining of shots training, on speciality «Finances». In February, 2009 must get the diploma of bachelor. Similarly during studies in an university I was the member of collapsible command of university on ìèíè-ôóòáîëó. Vobschem I am content with that as passed and my studies pass in unyversytethose. Studenchyskye years lutchye and unforgettable.

My future plans

          After ending of university on basic speciality I want to get the diploma of specialist for specialities «Finances». The first time I plan to work on a mine.

          Future comes far sooner . And in the protracted future I would like to be a happy man and to hold a good position on the profession.

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