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Grinenko Dar'ya Vasil'evna

Grinenko Dar'ya Vasil'evna


Faculty: Physico-metallurgical (FMF)

Speciality: Applied Material Scients

Group: PM-07 m


Scientific adviser: Doctor of Philosophy Gorbatenko Vladimir Petrovich

e-mail: daria85@ukr.net


I was bornon December, 24th, 1985 in the city of Donetsk. That was year of the Buffalo by the east calendar, and it's the hard worker, quickly makes of the decision and hates failures in the affairs. So I go persistently and purposefully to the aims of mine. My motto « If it has not turned out, - just begin all from the start ». Except for my parents, Vasily Petrovicha and Tatyana Ivanovny, the main teacher in my life, in education and outlook, was my grandmother Alexander Arsentevna. I always heard from her:- " Learning is the eye of the mind " and " Treat people like you want, they do ".

In kindergartens ,, and it was three in my life, I was the favourite child as a cheerful, not arrogant and obedient girl. Since the childhood I liked to draw and go in for sports.

In 1993 I have entered to the first class at the day- school ¹ 69. Exact sciences were given to me better than humanitarian. I always tried to visit set of circles: knitting, drawing, cycling, track and field athletics, ball dances, shaping and the east dances.

After the eighth class I have entered the in Donetsk technical liceum. My knowledges in the field of the exact sciences were increased owing to highly skilled teachers . I took participations in various national mathematical Olympiads. "Kangourou" is one of those. I have received certificates of the second and third category there. I'm the sociable person and therefore here is a lot of familiars and comrades beside Me. It has carried to find some friends too.

In 2003 I have entered The Donetsk National Technical University on the physico-metallurgical faculty on a speciality applied material scients, having passed interview. It was possible to study there without special complexities as I have defined for myself that is mine calling.

I have got the bachelor's degree with distinction in 2007. I found time both for study and for rest during four years and I have received a high point for success. I've made a desicion to study further as the Master.On the speciality "Applied Material Scients" I studied base objects, such us material scients, technology of heat treatment, corrosion of metals and defence is from her, physics of the condensed state, equipment of thermal workshops , methods of the structured analysis" and many others.

After defending of the diploma into my plans enters: to find favourite work on a speciality; to marry and bring up the children; to live a long and happy life.

Specialty, on which one I study, is very perspective and claimed, therefore, I think, knowledge bought during study, will need me, where I worked, hereafter.

To Begin...


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