Introduction: in connection with growth of requirements of produced to quality continuous-cast blumes, all more actual the task related to the reconstruction of operating machines of the continuous casting of purveyances becomes. Thus their reconstruction at which in the technological line MСPS the block of reduction cages is set on a radial area is most expedient. In this case, expediently to carry the bend of blumes out to the reduction block, and unbent after. In this connection the further study of features of process of bend of blumes carries an actual character.

Purpose of work: research of conformities to the law resilient-plastic bend and unbend of continuous-poured blumes large section in the technological line MCPS.

Research object: process of bend and unbend of continuous-poured by the blyuma section 335:400 mm of the poured off on a curvilinear machine continuous casting of purveyances of "DMK the name of Dzerginskogo".

List of decided in work tasks:
1. To execute experimental research as evaluated by influence of deformation factors on the formed tense-deformed state in the process of bend and unbend;
2. With the use of methods of physical design to develop and realize the planned experiment;
3. To explore the features of resulting change of form and character of the deformed state of physical models depending on the chosen factors;
4. To explore formed tense the states on a lateral surface.

Planning of experiment: for realization of laboratory experiment was developed and made setting allowing to realize the chart of bend and razgiba of the continuous-poured blumes indicated section in the scale 1:10. By the base parameters of object of design was chosen:
1. The sizes of transversal section of continuous-cast blumes make 335:400 mm.
2. Base radius of machine of the continuous casting - 14 m.
Realization of laboratory experiment was based on the methods of his planning. In obedience to developed plan to the matrix 36 plastilin standards were made - physical models. To the physical models during conducting of experiment two levels of temperature were discretely given, namely 0 and +15°С, that at the count of gomologic temperature of steel makes 974 and 1084°С. For the imitation of liquid-hard middle into standards the cavities of three different sizes were done. The bend of standards was carried out on three base radiuses 200, 280 and 350 mm. The change of sizes of coordinate scale which was inflicted as circumferences was measured in future. Unbend of standards was carried out on radiuses 280, 350, 700, 1000 mm and endlessness. After every stage of bend photographing was produced. The got data processing was produced on the Ekelund method.

Review of results and conclusions: as a result of treatment of the primary information got during conducting of experiment, graphic dependences of dynamics of change of sizes of the accumulated deformation and index of the tense state on the radius of bend (unbend) of physical models were built. The examples of model dependences are resulted on the pictures 1 and 2. The conducted primary analysis for the terms of the realized physical design at the bend of models on radiuses 200, 280 and 350 mm, the size of the accumulated deformation makes: 0,1; 0,13 and 0,16, and index of the tense state: -0,9; -0,5 and -0,3 accordingly. Subsequent unbent results in the decline of the accumulated deformation on the average on 80%, remaining size - 20%, accordingly the index of the accumulated deformation goes down on 50% on the average. Thus, the conducted researches show that as it applies to the explored terms the level of remaining tensions and accumulated deformation is enough high and can result to violation of technology.

Picture 1 - Dynamics of change of size of index of the tense state at the bend of physical models

Picture 2 - Dynamics of change of size of the accumulated deformation at the bend of physical models


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