Loskutov Konstantin

was born on May, 11, 1984 in Donetsk

Faculty: metallurgical (FMF)

Speciality: treatment of metals by pressure

Leader of work: Ruchko V., associate professor of the OMD department, k.t.n.

Education: in 1999 made off 9 classes school ¹8 Donetsk, 1999-2003 - Donetsk electrometallurgy technical school, within 2003 Donetsk national technical university.

Composition of family: Mother - Loskutova O., 1963. Father - Loskutov A., 1958. Brother - Loskutov A., 1984.

Fascinations: equestrian sport, tennis, table tennis, soccer.

The theme of master's degree work is: "Research of process bend of continuous-cast blooms on the stage of incomplete crystallization" is the theme of master's degree work. A theme was chosen taking into account intensive building of options of the continuous casting of purveyances at the metallurgical plant of Ukraine.

abstract of thesis links library DonNTU portal of master's degrees