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Abstract Todoraki M. Augmented Reality Abstract
Todoraki Max



Todoraki Max
Masters personal web-page

Masters of DonNTU

 Abstract on theme:
«Imposing 3D objects on a video in technology of Augmented Reality»

   The reason of actuality of the chosen theme contains in the whole list of problems, that have simple decision with using technology of the augmented reality. Let’s give just a few simple examples.

   Problems of teaching of technical specialists
Today, when we live in machine age, in epoch of scientific discoveries, technologies and devices which we got used to use every day becomes more complicated. So, for specialists, who serves such technique, the good level of education is necessary, and every person of them must read, analyze and learn too much information from various source of information. It is a serious problem in the conditions of the limited time and resources.

   Tourist business.
The GPS (Global Positioning System is Global System of Positioning) Systems has been already used everywhere. Its purpose is simple and clear – not to lose somebody’s way in unknown locality or city. By the way, during tourist excursions, today audioguides use frequently. However, it’s seems like more interesting is the decision of this problem with using technology of an augmented reality.
Technology of the augmented reality can come forward the decision of these and many other problems in future.

   Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real-world and computer-generated data. At present, most AR research is concerned with the use of live video imagery which is digitally processed and "augmented" by the addition of computer-generated graphics.

   The augmented reality looks very appropriate in teaching. For example, specialist on repair of modern, filled with electronics, car can work with such device, which gives him opportunity to see the engine in details. Also, there can be prompts on editing and repair of this engine in a chart.
And if to use the system of the augmented reality with a GPS-navigator, it is possible to get considerable expansion of functionality of the global positioning. So, for example, at excursions to Pompey, a tourist will see the houses not only dug up from a volcanic ash, taverns and farmsteads, but also people busy at the household chores (of course, these will be the appearances generated by a computer).

   The analysis made in diploma proves that the systems of the augmented reality can be applied in different industries. The use of the AR systems substantially will simplify life to the designers, architects, medics and other, and also gives something new in tourist business.

   The review of existent researches showed enormous interest to this problem on a world scale. Most known brends, such as Nokia, Hewlett-Packard, General Motors, BMW, Boeing have already applied the systems being based on technologies of the augmented reality. From 1998 year under an aegis IEEE is held annual international conferences on the augmented reality - International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). At the same time, both on Ukraine and in the countries of near foreign this problem is small explored. In addition, there is of international interest realization of functionality of the augmented reality exactly on the mobile devices under the management of different mobile operating systems. So there are big opportunities to realize the technologists Augmented Reality with the use of the JAVA platform.

   Thus, in a joint project with Dudenko Max, it is assumed to build completed functioning basis of realization of the AR (Augmented Reality) technology with the use of instruments of the JAVA development. Depending on necessities, it is possible to transport this system on smartphone or PDA, taking into account some specialties of mobile devices. The problem of integration of virtual reality’s objects in a movie with the record of outward things decides in this master's thesis. As basic data is adopted the results of recognition of position in space of the so-called marker – mark which specifies the exact location, where it is necessary to integrate one or another 3D object.

   Functionality of the developed system of base level consists in the following:

  • the set of unique markers which can be represented by simple black geometrical figures on a white background is generated;
  • a marker is placed on an object, where it is necessary to finish building of virtual fragment;
  • then a digital video camera is pointed on an object under different corners and the signal transmits in a computer;
  • the program recognizes a marker;
  • the address to the database of markers goes then, on which gets out proper to the concrete type of marker object which it is necessary to place in a movie;
  • after a selection from DB definite 3D object draws in a movie with frequency, for example, 10 shots in a second;
  • modified movie is represented on the display of smartphone.

Demonstration of work of system
(Flash-animation, 6 frames, Size: 500x300)

   The biggest problem of the developed project is necessary to make big amount of calculations during work with a movie. Calculable resources are needed for this purpose. However the most interesting are the systems for the mobile devices, so it is necessary to take into consideration the limits of calculable power. Accordingly, these limits influence on the developed system. First, we will be limited to 5-7 shots in a second.
Thus, the system must take shots from a movie with definite set frequency, modifies these shots, adding the objects of the augmented reality there instead of markers, and then to build these shots back in a movie.

   It should be noted that a project is developing. Work on the capture of shots from a movie is now completed. Now for work with a movie the JMF library is used (Java Media Framework). The base set of functionality for work with a movie is realized in this system. Also, we’ re searching an alternative and additions to JMF.
What about the experiments, according to the specification of subject, their operation becomes possible when system will be ready for at least 80%.

   According to information above, it should be noted that developing of the system based on the augmented reality, requires considerable efforts. However, taking into account the wide spectrum of possible application, this theme for today appears actual, but in our country practically nobody has paid attention yet to these problems. Today some western analysts compare the Augmented Reality development as technologies with development of the Internet.

   There are too many areas of scientific exploration, because introduction in each of application domains which were described higher requires revisions of technology. Also, it’s interesting for Ukrainian scientists to develop hardware complexes, which are popular in west countries.


  1. Tom Drammond (Cambridge University) «Augmented Reality» / «ABB - review», ¹1, 2007.
  2. Augmented Reality: äëÿ ÷åãî íóæíà âèðòóðåàëüíîñòü? / Êîìïüþòåðà-ONLINE / on-line: http://www.computerra.ru/hitech/36502
  3. «Ðàñøèðåííàÿ ðåàëüíîñòü» / Ãàçåòà.RU / Ýëåêòðîííûé àðõèâ: http://www.gazeta.ru/techzone/2004/03/22_a_97510.shtml
  4. "Wikipedia" about "Augmented Reality" / on-line: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augmented_reality
  5. 7 things you should know about Augmented Reality / Educause Learning Initiative / on-line: http://connect.educause.edu/Library/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKnowAbout/39384