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Abstract on the theme of master's degree work

"Development of improved hydromechanical packer"


Actuality of work

      For the time being in geological prospecting drilling three types of packers are used: mechanical, hydraulic and hydromechanical. In the present work my project of improving the known hydromechanical parker is given whose main purpose is to improve its technical characteristics.

Scientific novelty

    The analysis of the problem shows that the technique of borehole cavity isolation reduces to installation of packering facilities inside the borehole at the certain depth with its subsequent detachment by means of execution of this or that operation. The main problem herewith is a rigid fixation of the device after the process of packer releasing, as long as the smallest displacing of the device entails to depressurization which in its turn leads to poor tamping and causes a series of problems.

     The design having been developed allows to isolate borehole cavities providing qualitative pressurization (admissible differential pressure on a packer is more than 2 MPa) of the area of work being tamped, having reliable self-locking mechanism. Also the facility is easy and reliable to use, easy and cheap to manufacture. While using the facility, it is necessary to comply with requirements of safety rules that are natural in general for geological prospecting drilling. The facility and methodology of work with them does not contradict the laws in conservation of mineral resources and environmental protection.


Animation shows the principle of operation of the device having been developed.

Planning of practical result

      The application of the given device allows to solve the problem of qualitative tamping of troublesome zone in the process of drilling in full, as well as to reduce the time necessary for the execution of tamping to a considerable extent via the capability to mount and lower quickly the mechanism inside the borehole. Excluding the possibility of leak of tamping solution in the process of tamping will allow reducing of material expenses. Thus, the device having been developed allows to reduce time and materials used, and so to decrease the cost of works.



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