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Email: alina-onopchenko@yandex.ru;

Onopchenko Alina Sergeevna

Faculty: Mainer - Geological

Speciality: «Technology and engineering of investigation of deposits of minerals»

The theme of master's degree work:

«Development of a shell for liquidation sticking bore projectile»

Supervisor: Karakozov Artur Arkadyevich

| Biography | Abstract

Main about myself: Grade point average: 4,78. Knowing languages: Russian – native, Ukrainian – fluently, English –at level, enough for understanding and reading.


I and my family

I, Onopchenko Alina Sergeevna, was born December, 16 1985 in Nikolaevka Donetsk region. My parents an Onopchenko Olga Vladimirovna and Onopchenko Sergey Nickolaevich. In childhood I didn’t go to the kindergarten, luckily, all my relatives took direct participation of my education. My childhood was a miraculous moment of my life: every summer passed in the country , where wonderful helthy air, there are a lot of friends and domestic animals, and in 10 minutes of walking – enough large and deep pond. At home my life was like funny play from my own point of view: but even those time my mum educated me as a personality.

The school

September, 1 1992 I went to school ¹1 in Nikolaevka. But same time I entered musical school the class of violin. There I studied with great pleasure for 7 years and got a diploma. I adore music, and in every style find something close to my own. This was remarkable time in my life. My class at the ordinary school was as a little family with its joys, aspirations and conflicts. We tried to succeed in all: in study and in entertainments! Then one final class was formed from three parallel. But quality is more important than quantity! We made fabulous performances on holidays!. There were Gipsies, and chic funny hares, and brazilian serial! I miss my favourite lessons of biology and its teacher Podolskoj I.V. I remember how terrible was to participate in the competitions of biology and English!

In March 2003 I decided to check up my forces and took part in rating of Donetsk National Technical University(a friend told me about it). And I passed on budgetary form of aducation! I became student of the first course on speciality Technology and engineering of investigation of deposits of minerals. I can’t say I chose a profession long before the decisive hour, but when I know about it I firmly made decision, and did not feel sorry!

The university

My student years –a miraculous stage in my life! My first day made me understood, that hostel is a real school of life, there I received a lot of experiences and if you didn’t live there, you lost a half of funny moments of your life! A first session: I was in such horror! We had so much interesting and difficult objects. I always considered myself as a gumanitary, but when I had to study a descriptive geometry, theoretical mechanics, electrical engineering and boring machines, I understood I can do it too! And how my friends were surprised, knowing, that I studied the boring explosive works.

A supervisor of my master's degree work is head of departament “Technology and engineering of investigation of deposits of minerals Karakozov A.A, and theme of my master's degree work is “Development of a shell for liquidation sticking bore projectile”.

In the near time primary my objective – excellent defence of master's degree work. Then I would like to find interesting and perspective job.

| Biography | Abstract |