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Master Donntu Shubin Ivan Shubin Ivan

Faculty: Mining-and-Geological
Speciality: Geoinformatic system and technologies
Theme of master's work: "Researching technology of making index cadastral charts as exemplified by index cadastral chart of Chernoviskiy region"
Leader of work: Germonova E. A.
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Researching technology of making index cadastral charts as exemplified by index cadastral chart of Chernoviskiy region

Ground of actuality

      When the state governed land monopoly and other producers’ goods transition to an exchange relations was almost impossible. It was necessary to transform communal property in private ownership and to create it on the basis of more effective social-economic. Verkhovnaya Rada of Ukrainian SSR carried out the resolution on December 18, 1900 ¹563-XII “About land reform”, according to it all lands of Republic were pronounced the object of reform. This directive laid the foundations of new stage in dynamics of lands relations[1].

     In current situation it was necessary to make the system of efficient government Lands’ resources. That’s why the resolution “About the Program of creation automatically system management government Land’s cadastre” was regulated by Cabinet Ministry of Ukraine on December, 2, 1997. This system was necessary for the existence civilized market of Land, which demanded increasing efficiency management by Land’s resources, speedup process of reforming, tracking dynamics of quantity and quality changing of Land fund and etc. According to article ¹193 Land Code of Ukraine, the state Land Cadastre including a complex statements about the locations’ places and legal regime of Land lots, their valuation, classification, quantitative and qualitative characteristics, pointing among the Landowners and users of Land [2].

     That is Land Cadastre unites some informative bases, which contain different information. In case in point come into being requirement for making identifications key, which can unite all informative bases. That’s why elements of automatical system management government Lands cadastre is being system of unique identifications land lots – index cadastral chart.

      Design of index cadastral chart is a long-term process, that takes many assets and labor forces. In such a case using a special software and methodic approach is obligatory. Up to the present moment, in Ukraine isn’t yet singular approach to design of index charts. Their designing possible with using such programs as ArcInfo, ARCGIS, MicroStation, GeoMedia, AUTOCAD, etc. The high price of this software and absence, in most cases adaptation to requirement of Ukrainian market, minimize force of attraction. In view of quick growth popularity of software Delta\Digitals, its moderate price and adaptation to requirement of Ukraine, it will to research procedure of making index cadastral chart currently with using exactly it way.

That’s why the terms of this researching will be:

Research prospects

      Now more wide-spread systems of unique identification land lots and their internals were being examined. The principles, were being examined, that incase in cadastral division of the Ukrainian territory and the structure of formed cadastral lands’ lot number was being defended with using of the index cadastral charts. On the ground of researching law documentation was found the structure of index cadastral chart. All it suffered to make a shaper of cadastral number land lot.

      In a future it will plan to set out the channel of setting information for making index cadastral chart and to work out the proceeding their handling with using the program product Delta\Digitals. The end product of this work is technology, which suffers to computerize the making of index cadastral charts


  1. Ñ. Äîáð³ëîâ, Ì. ×åðåìøèíñüêèé, Í. Òåéëîð, Î. Óòàñ, Î. Äèøëèê, Â. ×àáàíþê, Ñ. Ìàðêîâ «Êîíöåïö³ÿ ñèñòåìè êàäàñòðîâî¿ íóìåðàö³¿ â Óêðà¿í³» 2002 ð.
  2. Ãåðõàðä Ëàðñîí «Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ çåìåëü è êàäàñòðîâûå ñèñòåìû. Ñðåäñòâà óïðàâëåíèÿ çåìëÿìè è çåìåëüíîé èíôîðìàöèåé»


© DonNTU 2008 Shubin Ivan

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