Report of search Кononov D. O.


Kononov Dmytro Oleksandrovich

Faculty of computer informational technologies and automatics

Speciality: Electronic systems

The theme of master's work: Research and development of method and electronic facilities, control of the state of respiratory organs and auscultation noises in lights of human

Scientific adviser: prof. Chichikalo Nina Ivanivna


In this section the results of search of keywords of my master's degree work are presented in the internet. For a search 6 basic searching systems were used.

Report on a search from April, 15 of 2008


Searching systems

Yandex Rambler Google Мeta-Ukraine Altavista Aport
Auscultation 19 000 стр. 2 726 док. 647 000 стр. 255 док. 94 700 стр. 2 343 док.
Electronic stethoscope 12 000 стр. 824 док. 142 300 стр. 641 док. 44 800 стр. 1 182 док.
Noises and breathing sounds 238 000 стр. 5 121 док. 2 410 000 стр. 1 510 док. 35 000 стр. 6 223 док.
Detection of wheezes 9 701 стр. 7 док. 62 900 стр. 2 док. 45 стр. 4 000 док.

Coming from the got results it is possible to mark following:

-there is much enough material on the topic, however much he carries not systematic character; mainly, the often repetitive prevails the same theoretical material.

- the enough interesting and high-quality analysis of this direction is not found.

- the most vast material was found by the searching systems of Yandex, Rambler, Google. in all on this subject it is possible to find by the Ukrainian searching system of Meta.

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