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Pustovoy Alexey Aleksandrovich

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty: "Mechanical"

Speciality: "Mechanical engeneering"

Theme of master's work: "Technological providing quality of mountain machines details taking into account their operating properties "

Leader of work: associate professor of IVCHENKO Tatyana Georgievna



There is plenty enough of information on the technological providing parameters of the state superficial layer details machines nowdays. However quantitative estimation the level of operating properties is absent, that grounded option methods final treatment of details are difficult. Due to last data absent mountain machines details are conditioned on 80% from wearproofness, on 11,5%- from impermeability, on 2-3% -from durability. Therefore increase of wearproofness, durability and impermeability are the priority task of technology of machinebilding.

Existent research review

Most distribution was received by the methods of superficially-plastic deformation at treatment of flat and cylindrical surfaces. Essence of methods of treatment a superficial flowage is described in works of Suslova A.G Proskuryakova Y.G. [8], Papsheva D. D. [9], Dal'skogo A.M. [3-5]. Researches quality of the processed surfaces, and also works are devoted to the questions construction of instrument and technology of treatment these methods [5, 7-10].

Research aims and tasks

Project aim is to promote operating properties details of mountain machines due to the rational option methods of treatment and ground of their parameters superficially-plastic deformation

Basic research tasks :

• To set basic descriptions of operating properties and their intercommunication with the parameters of superficial layer.

• To ground the criteria of operating properties estimation for comparison of different treatment methods.

• To probe conformities to the law forming of superficial layer details of mountain machines at superficially-plastic deformation and analysis of these methods technological possibilities.

• To develop recommendations on the choice the modes of treatment, providing the most economical receipt of the required parameters the state of superficial layer outward and internal surfaces details of mountain machines

• To create method calculation of parameters superficial layer details of mountain machines software taking into account their operating properties on the base of application Mathcad package mathematicale

Scientific actuality

The scientific novelty is the ñomplex approach to the grounds treatment and their technological providing recognition intercommunication parameters of superficial layer with operating properties of mountain machine details.

Parameters of superficial layer and their influence on operating properties of machine details

Wearproofness research

The technological providing of operating properties of machine details is indissolubly related to the state superficial layer parameters, determining their operating properties. Major operating descriptions of machine details are wearproofness, durability, impermeability to a great extent depends on the state their superficial layer, determined the parameters of tooling at making. For the successful decision task upgrading machines it is necessary to consider the theoretical aspects influence parameters the state superficial layer details on their operating properties.

The wearproofness is major operating description of machine details. For most machines principal refusereason is achievement maximum possible level of wear them the most responsible details, in this connection an increase wearproofness of machine details is a very substantiation urgency task. The wearproofness of machine details to a great extent depends on the state their superficial layer, determined the parameters of tooling at making.

The estimation of wearproofness to enter the relative index change of intensity wear, is expedient got on the basis the known equalization intensity wear and determined depending on the relative indexes parameters superficial layer at the different methods tooling by comparison to the method, accepted for the base

The calculations intensity of wear were made by the mathematical package of Mathcad Professional On the basis of the conducted researches traced influence each parameters of the state superficial layer on wearproofness. The received results testify to substantial influence parameters of roughness of Ra and Sm on wearproofness of machine details. Diminishing of coefficient relative change wearproofness KI with the increase middle step burries Sm and diminishing rejection type Ra testifies to the decline intensity wear, that increase of wearproofness. At the use of polishing as a final method treatment practically in all of turn-down parameters to the roughness coefficient KI>1, that wearproofness of details to 1,5 times below, than at treatment their clean sharpening. Use of work-hardening treatment a superficial the wearproofness of details allows to promote rolling-offs by comparison to clean the cutting tool treatment in 2-5 times.

Research tireless durability

Tireless durability details machines are their ability to resist destruction at the action of the alterning loadings. An important task is research of influence parameters the state superficial layer on resistance a fatigue, because the sites breakdown details machines from the fatigue metal are engendered exactly on their surface. On this basis, tireless durability details machines is largely determined the state their superficial layers.

The limit endurance of machine details mainly depends on peening and remaining tensions superficial layer. Burries, appearing on-the-spot detail at their treatment are the reflector-absorbers tensions and serve reasons decline limit endurance.

Influence parameters roughness Ra and Sm on durability of machine details is insignificant. At the use of polishing as a final method treatment durability details goes down on 2-3%. Application of rolling-off allows to promote durability by comparison to clean the cutting tool treatment to 1,3 of one times.

Thus, research influence parameters the state superficial layer on tireless durability testifies that one backlogs increase tireless durability details is application PPD, providing the least values parameters roughness and presence of squeezing remaining tensions.


• Basic descriptions operating properties of mountain machine details are to wearproofness. to durability, to impermeability and their intercommunication with the parameters of superficial layer.

• The method of quantitative estimation change operating properties of machine details is developed depending on the complex parameters of superficial layer at the different methods of cutting tool , diamond-abrasive and work-hardening treatments.

• The criteria of estimation operating properties are grounded for comparison different methods of treatment.

• On the basis of the developed method the option methods of work-hardening treatment a superficial flowage is grounded in number, providing the assured increase wearproofness, durability and impermeability of machine details

© DonNTU Pustovoy À.À.

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