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Master DonNTU Pavel Igorevich Samoylov

Pavel Igorevich Samoylov

Faculty: Mechanical

Speciality: "Manufacturing Engineering"

Theme of master's degree work: "Development of technical and structural assurance of quality improvement of products surface plastic deformation on the basis of ultrasound processes"

Supervisor:Professor, Doctor of Engineering Alexandr Nikolaevich Mihaylov

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Summary of master's degree work

Actuality of master's degree workk

An actual task of up-to-date engineering industry is assurance of machine elements operating life, which is determined by qualitative state of surface layer. The most important engineering-and-economical performances of mechanisms such as operating capacity, reliability, steel intensity, prime cost depend on machining quality.

The operating capacity of machine elements depends on machining quality of incoming details and state of their surface layer, which is formed on final operations of manufacturing process.

There is a great number of methods, which give the opportunity to improve the state of surface layer. The methods of surface plastic deformation are widespread. Surface plastic deformation is put into effect by tool; its deforming elements (balls, rollers and bodies of other configuration) interact, with machining surface on diagrams of rolling, sliding and penetration. During surface plastic deformation in the issue of deformative strengthening of surface layer compressive residual stress arise, smoothing of inequalities occurs and strength of detals reises double, operating life raises in 5-10 times.

The advantage of surface plastic deformation with the use of ultrasonic processes is decrease of materials consumption and increase of reliability and operating life of products.

Review of existing researches

At the present time there is a great number of researches concerning estimation of optimal system of quality parameters of machine elements surfaces, which would represent their running ability the most completely.

The efforts of many scientists made a considerable contribution in development of surface plastic deformation theory. They are Azarevich G.M., Alexeyev P.G., Balter M.A., Barats Ya.I., Braslavskiy V.M., Drozd M.S., Jasimov M.M., Zaydes A.V., Ilyushin A.A., Ishinskiy A.Yu., Konovalov E.G., Kudryavtsev I.V., Matalin A.А., Papshev D.D., Proskuryakov Yu.G., Reznikov А.N., Rijov E.V., Sidyakin Yu.I., Smelyanskiy V.M., Suslov A.G., Shahov V.I., Shkolnik L.M., Shneyder Yu.S., Yaroslavtsev V.M., Chepa P.A., Yudin D.L. and others.

Purposes and tasks of master’s degree work

The purpose of this research is to increase quality of a superficial layer and to raise efficiency of detail machining at the expense of application of surface plastic deformation with the use of ultrasound.

Basic tasks of research are:
1. Identification of quality management ways of hardenable products.
2. Identification of ultrasonic effect, which influences on machining during surface plastic deformation.
3. Estimation of ultrasonic effect influence on machining products accuracy, working capacity, reliability.
4. Analysis of surface layer state after surface plastic deformation application with the use of ultrasonic vibrations.
5. Working out of recommendations on achievement of optimal activities, which help to obtain mostly economically necessary parameters of superficial layer state.


In this research the analysis of existent methods of increasing details surfaces quality has been made, including ecologically clean technological methods on the basis of new high-speed machining methods.

Possibility and financial ability to achieve this level of properties has been proved by using progressive machining methods – surface plastic deformation with the use of ultrasound.

Practical application of general-purpose equipment for surface plastic deformation with the use of ultrasonic effect gives considerable economic benefit. Technology of surface plastic deformation with the use of ultrasonic processes of machining makes it possible to simplify and reduce the price of the whole procedure of metal processing. With the help of such equipment it can be possible to machine the majority of known grades of steel, aluminium, copper and other metals.

Ultrasonic vibrations give the opportunity to operate the temperature conditions of materials machining process and create the most auspicious conditions of tool functioning

Surface plastic deformation simulation

Picture 5 - Surface plastic deformation simulation(15 cadrs)

Bibliographic references

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    Автореферат магистерской работы Дубоделовой О.С. на тему: «Повышение качества обработки деталей машин с использованием методов поверхностно-пластического деформирования» - Донецк, ДонНТУ, 2005.
    Автореферат магистерской работы Бобырь Н.А. на тему: "Повышение качества поверхностного слоя деталей машин при отделочной обработке"

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