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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Anton Dvinyanin

Anton Dvinyanin

Faculty:   Electrotechnical

Chair:   Electrical Systems

Speciality:   Electrical Systems and Networks

Master thesis:   Optimization of reactive power modes in electric networks

Chief:   Inna Larina

Resume Library Links Search report British Library

Optimization of reactive power modes in electric networks

The relevance of work.

           Now before electric power consumers, both the small companies, and the large industrial enterprises, sharply there is a survival problem in competitive struggle.
           The leader of enterprise gets up before a dilemma: How to succeed at the market? How, and applying what marketings and innovative (technical) ideas to conquer, sufficient for work and development of company market share.
           An important factor in this work is to optimize the cost of production.
           By estimations of domestic and leading foreign experts, the share of power resources, and in particular the electric power occupies size of an order of 30-40 % in production cost. It is enough telling argument that the head with all gravity to approach to the analysis and audit of power consumption and development of a technique of power savings.
           Reactive power compensation - here one of the decision of a power savings question.

The work purpose

           The work purpose consists in an estimation of application efficiency of compensating installations at the operating enterprise of Kirovsky electric power networks, and also in perfection of methods of such estimation.

Research problems

        • determination of compensating devices capacity based on the consumer's loading graphs;
        • reduction of calculations for the choice of compensating devices.

The scientific novelty

           To the scientific novelty it is possible to deliver development of efficiency estimation methods of compensating devices application, based on the analysis of the consumer's loading graphs

Summary of results on the master's work.

           The economic efficiency of compensators was evaluated relative to the base version of power supply (without the compensators) by comparison of the costs, which consider the cost of compensators themselves, expenditure for their operation, cost of the lost electric power and pay for consumption and generation of reactive electric power.
           The power of compensators were determined based on the daily charts of reactive load for 5 substations Kirovsky electric power networks from the conditions: 1 - on economic tangent [4]; 2 - from the condition Qку = 0,6Pм [5]; 3 - on a condition of the minimum payment for overflows of reactive power, 4 - on the criterion of the minimum cost.
           The carried out analysis showed:
        • capacities of the compensating devices chosen on an economic tangent, it is considerable below capacities of the compensating devices chosen on conditions 3 and 4. It is necessary to notice that capacities of compensating devices which get out of conditions 3 and 4 practically do not differ. The exception makes capacity of compensating devices on one of substations. Capacities of the compensating devices chosen from a condition 2, the greatest.
        • the payment for consumption of reactive power without compensating devices makes approximately 826 thousand hryvnya per year, the extra charge makes 17 % of them. Under the first condition the payment for consumption of reactive power decreases in 2,7 times, the penalty for generation makes 0,6 %. Under the second condition the payment decreases in 2,1 times, and the penalty for generation makes 50 %.
           The optimum tangent (tg φопт) consumers is defined. Under condition of 3 its value changes within 0,06 - 0,014, average value - 0,091. In figure 1 the tangent of consumers loading is resulted at capacity of the compensating devices chosen on a condition 4, at installation of reactive power counters from side 6 kV.
Figure 1 - Definition tg φ<sub>опт</sub> from the condition of the minimum compensating devices cost: 1 - on the winter graph of loading, 2 - on the summer graph of loading
Figure 1 - Definition tg φопт from the condition of the minimum compensating devices cost: 1 - on the winter graph of loading, 2 - on the summer graph of loading

           According to the winter graph of load the value of tg φопт is within the limits of 0,17 - 0,333 with average value of 0,214, according to summer graph - in limits of 0,132 - 0,333 with average value of 0,204.
           With the installation of counters on the side of the high voltage (they are taken into account the loss of reactive power in the transformers) of the value tgφопт it is higher by 17,3% in winter and by 15,2% - in summer.


           Thus, at the considered level of compensating devices cost, their setting is economic expedient. In further researches it is necessary to define the optimum size of normative coefficient of efficiency, norms of deductions on maintenance of compensating devices, cost of the consumed electric power.


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