Natalya Fomenko
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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Natalya Fomenko



Master's Qualification Work

"Research of electrical consumption regimes"

Scientific adviser: Viktor I. Chursinov
    UKR •  RUS


       Electric energy is most important energies in life of all people. The economies of electric energy are the most important question in our time. The cost of electric energy grows from economic instability. Production inputs productions grow. Part of these expenditures it is electricity charges. Task of industrial enterprises it is rational to use the resources of power. Research of the regimes of electro-consumption is one of methods of decision the problem.
       The regimes of electro-consumption are characterized by the charts of loading. These charts are not stable, because electro-consumption grows. Power of consumption in electric networks must be reduced. It is possible due to the management. But managements by electro-consumption not effective.
       Research of the regimes of electro-consumption, elaboration of standards of expense and lowering of losses of electric energy, gives an economic effect. For this purpose it is necessary to solves the following tasks:
       • to learns the regimes of electro-consumption;
       • to analyse the methods of researching the electrical consumption regimes.

Practical value

       Performances can be used on industrial enterprises for rational consumption of electric energy.

The regimes of electrical consumption are considered in the first section

      Work of electric network depends on its properties. Properties depend on time. Transitional processes change the terms of work. Transitional processes cause the change regimes of the systems supply by electric energy. Processes which describe the terms of work the systems of supply by electric energy and its state in the moment of time, is called the regime of the system. Parameters of regimes - it is the values of current, power, tension. Parameters are coupled between itself and is depended on the chart of network [1].
      Parameters of chart: resistance and conductivity of elements, coefficients of transformation, permanent time, amplification factors. Parameters depend on physical properties and chart of connection of elements.
      In the systems supply by electric energy the transient behaviors set and take place. In the set regimes the parameters of the system change constantly or slowly. In transient behaviors – change quickly in time.
      In grain the changes of parameters of the regime distinguish four kinds regimes:
      - normal established. The values of parameters of the regime change within the limits of normal work of users.
      - normal transitional. The parameters of the state of work of elements change quickly and sharply (inclusion, shutdown, switching, change of loading).
      - emergency transitional. In the system of changes the value of parameters of the regime differs notedly from nominal.
      - established after a failure. Elements damaged become disconnected. It is removed Failures. Parameters of the regime near by the parameters of normal regime or can considerably differ. A propitious or adverse output can be from a failure [2].

The second section describes the methods researching the supply by electric energy

      Established regimes at planning and during exploitation calculates. Terms of work of equipment and reception of energy it is necessary to take into account by consumers. It is allowed to carry out optimization of the regime of electric nets [3].
      Electric computation of nets - regime of parameters definition in project practice. Basic data are for computations: charts of electric nets, data about the types of wires on every area, length of areas, data about transformers, data about an energy source and set values of tension in the items of net, computation powers of users . The computations of the regime are implemented for the maximal and minimum loadings. If the regime at these loadings is satisfactory, at other loadings in these limits will be too.
      An electric net is a difficult electric object. Electric calculations are executed on the charts of substitution. The value of parameters is used for one point of net. Power and tension determine the losses after that current which passes through resistance.
      The basic laws of electric chains are used for the computations of the regimes. The regimes of electric nets are difficult computations. Tension of source is known. Tension of users in points connecting is unknown. Tension must be known in the process of implementation of computations. Two main methods are applied in practice: method of systematized selection and method of logical supervision [4].
      The first method to the simple charts is applied on condition of admission of errors. The second method is more exact. In the elements of chart allowsto define the losses of power [5] .
      A computation and analysis of the regimes of electric nets and systems is implemented on COMPUTER in our time. The programs are effective, when is implemented automatically. The methods of tasks must be transferred in an algorithm or program. The programs on COMPUTER must be for this reason universal [6].

The third section considers methods of researching the electrical consumption regimes

      "Method of symmetryrovanyya for the selection of stationary components of the produced regimes of and expenditures of power mediums" (Дмитриева Е.М., Fierce А.П.) [1, 10], is used for research of the regimes of consumption of energy [7].
      This method is the process of production and process of consumption of energy of symmetryruet on all areas of parameters of the regime.
      On enterprises the norm of production of goods and norm of expenditures of electric energy is established for the regime of project productivity. For the regime of project productivity on enterprises is established norm of production of the Vтн goods for the Т (days, month, year etc) time and norm of expenses of electric energy of pн, which allow to expect expenses of electro-users.
      At the regime distinguish: differential parameters and integral parameters. Integral parameters: volume of output of the Vт productions, expenses of the electric energy Wт, which are determined for definite period of time. Differential parameters: active power of p and speed of production of goods at. Parameters are described: yc, pc, by standards Formula 1 by the functions of correlation of expenses of electric energy and speed of production of goods.
      Standard of production of goods in the stationary regime it is possible to define by a formula:
Formula 2

      A standard will become less with the increase of base interval.
      Limits of vibrations:
Formula 3

Figure 1 - Graphic image of motion of symmetryrovanyya

Figure 1 - Graphic image of motion of symmetryrovanyya

where Formula 4 – it is static coefficient, is determined on probability of output of values after the scopes of range.
      We can to do a inference, that norms for the project regime can be used for the large values of base interval.
      Stationary process: symmetryrovanye process of production, symmetryrovanye processes of electro-consumption.
      The first stage is carried out as follows: the experimental meaning of production of goods, which more of mean value, is saved. The values of production of goods with the small values is substituted by the symmetryrovannye values which provide central symmetry of function of distributing in relation to the center of symmetryrovanyya , with co-ordinates (Vс;0,5). On Fig.1 is shown motion of symmetryrovanyya by pointers for a point A, the Vп abscissa of which less mean value. Through points A and C is drawn straight line. The abscissa of the symmetryrovannykh Vк values is determined on a formula:


      We will define the mean value Vс (depends on the type of function is step or linear and from the quantity of the N ordinates are pair, not pair ) on the static function of distributing – at the ordinate of equal 0,5:


WVc=(W_+W+)/2     (3)

      On the array of the Vп and Vк values with the mean value Vс is determined a hypothetical standard. The mean values and standard determine normal production of goods, and on equalizations (2) the scopes of change of production volumes of goods and expenditure of electric energy are determined in the stationary regime. If the values go beyond a low bound – not complete production of goods from unstationary vibrations, and exceeding of high bound is exceeding of the planned productivity.


      The mathematical model of the stationary regime allows to set the range norms of production of goods and electric consumption, and also not complete production of goods and heavy tolls of electric energy. This method decides the problem of economy of electric energy and efficiency of its use.


      1.     Дмитрієва О.М., Лютий О.П. «Метод симетрування для виділення стаціонарних компонент режимів виробництва і витрат енергоносіїв». Наукові праці ДонНТУ, серія «Електротехніка і енергетика», випуск 79, Д., 2004. - стр. 100-103.
      2.    Півняк Г.Г., Кігель Г.А., Волотковська Н.С., Ворохов Л.П., Іванов О.Б. Електричні мережі систем електропостачання: Навч. посібник. - Дніпропетровськ: Національний гірничний університет, 2003. – 316 с.
      3.    Цигельман И.Е., Тульчин И.К. Электроснабжение, электрические сети и освещение.– М.: «Высшая школа», 1970. – 488 с.
      4.    Автореферат магистранта 2006г. ЭТФ ДонНТУ Топчий В.А. «Цифровой регистратор параметров режима систем электроснабжения»:
      5.   Автореферат магистранта 2006г. ЭТФ ДонНТУ Поварёнкина О. В. «Моделирование стационарного режима энергопотребления»:
      6.    Кудрин Б.И. Электроснабжение промышленных предприятий: Учебник для вузов. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1995. – 416 с.; М.: Интермет Инжиниринг, 2005. – 672 с.
      7.   Статья доц. кафедры ЭПП Московского технического университета Матюнина Ю.В. «Электропотребление электротехнических систем»:
      8.    Калинчик В.П. Контроль и оперативное управление электропотреблением в промышленных электрических сетях//Киев. – 1983. – С. 5-7.
      9.    Тарадай В.И. Формирование характеристик электропотребления при проектировании электрических сетей промышленных предприятий//
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     10.   Статья библиотеки магистранта 2006г. ЭТФ ДонНТУ Поварёнкина О. В. «Метод симетрування для виділення стаціонарних компонент режимів виробництва і витрат енергоносіїв» Дмитрієва О.М., Лютий О.П. :


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