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Faculty: Economics and managers
Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:
"Organization of kontrolinga is on an enterprise"
Scientific adviser: Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Svetlana Krapivnitskaya


About me
    Mean score in training at university 4.6. Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. I take a great i nterest in sports (swimming, billiards, chess), I like to listen to music to read and communicate with pleasant and clever people.

The biography
    The childhood. I, Dorokhov Evgenie Aleksandrovich, was born on June, 7th, 1987 in the city of Donetsk, in Dorokhov Alexander Ivanovicha and Dorohovoj Svetlana Mihajlovny's family.

In the childhood I was very restless and inquisitive, therefore parents have decided to give me to sports section on катате. Soon they have noticed my propensity to languages and I have started to be engaged in English language with the teacher. So at the age of 6 years I already read and wrote in English. Besides playing sports and studying of English language I spent a lot of time in the open air with the contemporaries and friends, the broken knees and the brought elbows became result of that often. At the age of 8 years I began to take a great interest in sports more and more and have understood that I have not enough one employment in carat, so I have got to section кикбокса. Years in 11 me has interested such kind of sports as sports shooting, soon I have started to be engaged and to these kinds of sports.

On September, 1st 1994 I have been officially accepted in numbers 1 And class ОШ I-III of steps of №59 of Donetsk. At school the physical culture and work was favourite subjects. In parallel with training at school I tested in various kinds of sports, karate was engaged in sports shooting, киксбоксом. After the termination 1! A class in 2004 I have arrived in DonNtU on a speciality эколгическая geology, the budget. On the termination 4 courses, I have passed to economic faculty on a speciality Innovative activity where I am trained at present.

    University. Student's years were really fine. Група in which I have got, I consisted of clever, interesting, sociable people with which have soon found common language and have made friends. Time spent at university at lectures flied imperceptibly and cheerfully, thanks to teachers who aspired to interest students the subject and to dialogue with friends on breaks. When have begun, specialist subjects, I have understood that my choice is made not correctly as the volume and a variety of the geological subjects supplying the information on every possible aspects of geology simply amazed. Such variety gave the chance to work in the future practically in any sphere of geology as all were given to us necessary for this knowledge.

However in 2007 I have understood that a speciality on which I have studied 4 years and have received the bachelor's degree, not absolutely satisfies my requirements. So has developed that just a second year the new speciality in a magistracy - "Management of innovative activity" has been opened, considering my interest to innovative activity and economic processes with it связаных, I have without hesitation submitted documents on this speciality about what subsequently I had not to be sorry. During training at university I have acquired valuable knowledge which throughout 5 years the teaching structure of our university shared with us. Besides during training at university, I have got acquainted with a large quantity of people, have got several new friends.

Training at university also has learnt me to successful and fruitful cooperation with people, has given ability to find common language with absolutely different people even in adverse for this purpose conditions. It would be desirable to thank our teachers for their patience and belief in us, and also those efforts which they have put training us. In the future I plan to find practical application of knowledge and the skills received for years of training at university, and also constantly to be improved, to become the good expert and the real professional.