DonNTU | Masters portal | Stepan'kov Ivan
Master of Donetsk National Technical University Ivan Stepan'kov


Faculty: Economics and managers
Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:
"Estimation of the efficiency of innovative projects at the enterprises"
Scientific adviser: Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Andrey MESHKOV



I am, Ivan STEPAN'KOV, was born on September, 23rd, 1987 in a family of the military man in Kotovsk the Odessa area.
In 2004 has finished 11 classes of Kotovsk’s gymnasium ¹7 of Kotovsk of the Odessa area. In September, 2004 has entered Donetsk National Technical University on a speciality "The Software of the automated systems" faculty of applied mathematics and computer science.


With 2006 till June 2008 has had training Military preparation on military chair of Donetsk national technical university on a speciality: "Fighting application of the subsections armed with portable surface-to-air missile systems".
In September 2008 has arrived in a magistracy on a speciality "Management of innovative activity" economy and management faculty.


The father - Anatoly STEPAN'KOV, was born on January, 1st,1965, the veteran of Armed forces of Ukraine, the lieutenant colonel in resignation.

Mother - Galina STEPAN'KOVA, was born on July, 23rd, 1965, works as the secretary of the head physician regional stomatology.

Sister - Anna STEPAN'KOVA, was born on March, 14th, 1994, the schoolgirl 8-B a class in school ¹125 in Donetsk



| Resume | Biography | Abstract |