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Master fo DonNTU Bezzublyak Jurij Alexandrovich


FACULTY: Geotechnology and production management.

SPECIALITY: Digging of mineral resoursen.

SUBJEKT OF ACTIVITY OF THE MASTER: Analysis of effect of natural and engineering factors on efficiency of practice of a second working

TEACHER: Prof. Strelnikov Vadim Ivanovicn


Aboyt myself

My name is Bezzublyak Jurij Alexandrovich. I was born on 15 Februery 1987 in Dokuchayevsk.

My family

My father’s name is Bezzublyak Alexandr Savvich. He was born on 29 October 1960 in Dokuchayevsk . He graduated from Dokuchayevsk trade college of speciality " Operation of mobile transporation" . At the moment he works at PFD factory.
My mother’s name is Bezzublyak Irina Viktorovna. She was born on 3 March 1964 in Donetsk.Gratueted from commercial technical secondary school manufactured products.
My sister's name is Hripchenko Viktoriya Alexandrovna. She was borh on 19 October 1984 in Dokuchayevsk. Gratueted from secondary school of mains, spaciality economy of enterprisies. Gratueted from KNUBA, specaility management of organisations.

My school

I studied at Dokuchayevsk comprehensive school ¹5 from 1994 until 2001. During my training there I participated in contests. I finisched 9 years of a comprehensive school.


In September 2001 I went to Dokuchayevsk mining college. My speciality was “Technology of open-cast mining”. During my training there I took an active part in the college social life.After the second year I took back the documents and entered the Donetsk technical university.


In September 2004 I went to Donetsk National Technical University. My speciality was “Mining of deposits” (Faculty of Geotechnology and management of enterprise).
In Juli 2008 I received a Bachelor’s degree with high grades.


In Juli 2007 during my practiceI worked at mine A.F. Zasjadko as the underground miner

From November 2008 until February 2009 I worked at mine “Kalinino” as a probator.


From 1997 until 1999 I did wrestling. I took part in many tournaments and competitions and received many prizes.

Future plans

1. Writing and defending a maser’s research work.
2. Getting an interesting job.

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