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DonNTU Master's portal
Chemitov Andrey

Chemitov Andrey

Study: The faculty of geotechnology and management of enterprise

Speciality: Labor protection

Theme of master's work:

Investigation conditions outburst danger coal layers with increase depths of mine workings

he project chairman of my master's thesis: A doctor of engineerings sciences, professor of department of labour and aerology of faculty of management of operations of the Donetsk national technical university is Nikolin Victor Ignatievich

About author

The abstract on a subject of final work

Urgency of a subject

The fight against sudden emissions of coal and gas to the domestic mining remains one of the most complex security challenges of mining.It is particularly urgent for the coal mines of Donbass, where the sudden emission struck almost all of geological and industrial areas to develop gas from coal seams. During the period 1954-1978 he Donbass annually, on average, about 50 sudden release of coal and gas, and about 100 similar to their gas yavleniy.Vo all other coal basins of the country each year, on average, 9 sudden release of coal and gas.Sudden emissions of coal and gas are undesirable consequences: discarded filled with coal mined at a significant distance (up to 200 m and more), output of the mining equipment, emboss and deformed lining, is the collapse of rock, filled with methane making.This leads to a long outage, and fraught with danger of explosion pylegazovoy mixture in mines. Dealing with the consequences of sudden emissions adversely affected the techno-economic performance of mines.

Practical valueresults of work.

To date, due to the development of coal reserves at greater depths and in difficult geological conditions, a very topical issue of emissions, before it was considered that the increase in the depth of the development, outburst danger seams wakes to grow, it is belied by the fact that with increasing depth the development,pressure acting on the layer grows, and decreases the formation of these zones of extraction, in which the layer changes its structure,in this layer to become a safe zone for the driver outburst danger.To prove that, with increasing depth of development, after a certain depth, outburst danger wakes decline.

Summary of Emissions

Sudden ejection of coal and gas - is a complex phenomenon of nature, depending on many factors operating simultaneously, the main of which are mining the pressure contained in coal gas, physical and mechanical properties of coal.This combination of operating factors for each case of sudden release may be different. This explains the large number of representations about the nature and mechanism of sudden release.However, many submissions, not only does not prevent the decision of creating a unified theory of emission, but also contributes to this.The established regularities allowed to penetrate deeper into the nature of sudden release,create a physical model vybrosoopasnogo layer and based on them to successfully address the many practical issues of combating emissions of sudden coal and gas in particular mining and geological conditions of the development vybrosoopasnyh seams.At present, for effective coal seams, which are prone to sudden release of coal and gas, used a set of measures for prevention of sudden release.These include projection vybrosoopasnosti coal, advanced design of protective layers, technological activities, reducing vybrosoopasnost prizaboynoy part of the reservoir, to prevent emissions and control of their effectiveness,security arrangements in the event of sudden ejection of coal and gas.The above set of activities outlined in the "Guidelines for the safe conduct of mining operations at the seams, which are prone to sudden release of coal, rock end gas".

The concepts of the emission of coal and gas

We know that in the mine workings to such gas-dynamic phenomena such as sudden emissions of coal and gas, sudden extrusion (collapse or eruption) of coal with high gas, emissions of coal (rock) and gas in the conduct of blasting operations.These gas-dynamic phenomena - the result of fast prizaboynoy destruction of gas-coal (rock), the array is accompanied by or collapse of coal waste and higher gas.Destruction prizaboynoy part comes under the influence of rock pressure, gas pressure and the gravity of Earth.Sudden release of coal and gas - is a complex gas dynamic phenomenon that is characterized by the following stages: brittle failure of hard prizaboynoy of reservoir caused by production processes;self-destruction of the coal formation of the cavity with an array of some form, leaching of coal in the stream was destroyed by the expanding gas is gradually damped gas emissions from a coal and offcast. Let us consider each of these stages.In vybrosoopasnyh zone coalbed often tectonically prepare so that coal is in fact the free-flowing environment. In such cases, a brittle failure to understand the violation of the equilibrium state of coal attributable to changes in tension prizaboynoy part of the reservoir.It should be borne in mind, only those processes that lead to a redistribution of stresses in prizaboynoy part of the reservoir (excavation of coal and rock in a mixed face, actions to prevent emissions.The process of removal of destroyed coal occurs in the flow of expanding gas, which stands out from the coal as its destruction. It was found that the release - this is the destruction of the coal seam gas, the time course of which the (second) determines its strength.As the destruction of coal dropped and the imposed gas flow. Gas from a release due mainly emitting gas from coal, was destroyed by the ejection, but not ejected.Thus, the division of the release of coal and gas in the process is purely conventional and does not contribute to understanding the nature and mechanism of release.The release of coal (rock) and gas is a bystropro-tech self-destruction of the coal seam gas, caused by the redistribution of stresses.The latter leads to the deformation of elastic recovery and elastic aftereffect (tensile deformation) and is accompanied by waste and makes the gas flow was destroyed by coal and the formation of cavities. The main features of sudden release of coal and coal gas iplyayutsya offal from the slaughter,t.e. movement of coal to develop a distance exceeding the estimated (assuming a natural slope angle), increased allocation of gas in the formulation (compared to normal for the same mass of coal, destroys for the same periods of time)education in the coal seam characteristic cavity.Important additional features are the dregs of a sudden release of equipment, is to develop, the presence of fine coal fines, damage to roof supports.The main signs of a sudden extrusion of coal: coal seam shift towards goaf (formulation) on a relatively small distance education in the coal seam characteristic cavity whose depth is less than the width of its mouth,Availability of yawning cracks in the embossed prizaboynoy of coal seam and between the layer and its roof rocks,increased allocation of gas in the formulation.The main signs of a sudden collapse (rashes): education in the coal seam cavity axis which is generally oriented in the direction of the uprising of bed, the location of coal in the development of the natural angle of slope, increased the allocation of gas in the formulation.Increased allocation of gas in the formulation of all three types of gas-dynamic phenomena, but now its quantification is not available.

Manifestations of the potential outburst danger with a solid pillar and systems development

Currently in the design outburst danger layers pole system is preferable than continuous.Application of pole system allows for the development of preparatory workings outburst danger plots to carry out the exploration formation, reduce the number of seats in tension (in the corners of the niches at the expense of the upper corner at the top and bottom corner of a recess in the bottom recess)create the conditions for effective unloading and degassing of the coal seam, adjacent to the driving,protivovybrosnye perform activities of galleries.Weaknesses pole of development should include the negative manifestations of rock pressure. Below, some of them.The construction of the mine number 21-bis «Makeevugol», which develops plastic Berestovsky, the draft was adopted with the use of field training pillar of the development of intermediate to advanced crosscut.During the 2.5 years of age at the time of preparation of the two lavas of the eastern wing of the mine fields during the preparatory workings occurred 44 ejection of coal and gas at sotryasatelnom explosives. The mass of carbon emitted varied within 30-1950 tonnes and an average of 196 tons laFor several reasons, of which in some key had difficulty maintaining the field, you rabotok, in October 1976 it was decided on the eastern wing of the Shah tnogo fields to apply a continuous development of the system (variant lava-drift). The length of the east to lava was diluted 320 - 330 m.Longwall coal produc las uzkozahvatnym combines 2K-52. CREPY - individual, management roof - a complete collapse. The length of the first 200 meters east of lava Longwall coal produced combines 2K-52 with a set of CM-87E. The length of niches in both lavah 10-12 m.Prior to the development of a continuous system of breaking coal into niches lavas produced burovzryvnym way. In lavah protivovybrosnye activities should not be applied.To measure the initial velocity of gas in order to determine the safe depth of the notches along the length of lava through a 9.5 m diameter borehole burili rum 42 mm and a depth of not less than 5 meters of drilling interval 0.5 m.If you are using a version of a continuous system of drift-drift at 1 Jul. 1977 there was only one release in the explosion sotryasatelnom tion at a recess. The mass ejected coal was 100 tonsThe linear density of emissions equal nyalas 2,3, and pillar in the system development, it was 25.9.Such a dramatic change in expression potentsialnoy vybrosoopasnosti led to the conclusion on the feasibility of the instrument for determining the values of safe unloading zone in front of lavaniche in the neighborhood and in front of the preparatory vyrabo talk. Location of control hole (holes). They continuously burili as podviganiya faces. The interval of measurement of initial speed and the length of the measuring gas chamber remained constant.Gas-dynamic state prizaboynoy part of the reservoir with a continuous development of the system was evaluated in three areas: the average of the lava, the lower and upper recesses. When pillar system in the development of advanced crosscut interim assessment was made on the part of the preparatory work.In the middle of the lava was probureno 48 wells, and in niches - in 72 holes. With the same podviganii killing purification performed 38 cycles of measurements in a recess, and 16 cycles in the Lava. During the ventilation driving probureno 40 control shot and performed 20 cycles of measurements.Review of charts, based on average results of measurements of initial velocity gas shows that safe zone of discharge of Lava over 5m in the corners of the upper and lower niches adjacent to Lava, it is 5m, the authors corners adjacent to the array - 4m. In the gallery, it is 2.5 m.Consequently, the safe zone in the discharge of lava vybrosoopasnoy 1,6 times more than in the drift.From the histogram of safe driving to the depth of the notches and the angle of niche adjacent to the array, shows that neither the Shah lavas probability of emission is minimal, and in preparatory workings of bed in the blast and the breaking length of hole 2,2-2,5 m, it is maximal.This explains the sharp decrease in the number of emission in the transition to a continuous system of the mine development. Practices in the design layer Smolyaninovskogo mine on «Donetskugol» for the period from 1946 to 1977found that the linear density of emissions in the galleries at 6.4 times higher than in the lavas with a recess continuous system development.

The conclusion

Thus with the help of the dynamics of gas from the reservoir of gas, you can define a zone in which the extraction can be safely extracted coal. It was found that the number of emission umenbshaetsya first lavah and then to the preparatory work.Well Confirmed way to determine the maximum depth of the development shahtoplastov on which the termination lavah projected emissions of coal and gas in the cavity. The practical significance lies in the application of dependency vybrosoopasnosti (of emission) of the depth of development.Economically, there is in cost savings in the fight against sudden emissions.

The literature

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© DonNTU 2009 A. Chemitov