

Master's portal

Krivobokov Andrey

Krivobokov Andrey

Physics-metallurgical faculty

Speciality: Metallurgy of black metals

Theme of master's work:

Method preparation and research reaction kinetics of manganese oxidation in a metal

Scientific adviser: professor Dymnich Anatoliy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract Library


   Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4,92. Skills: Windows, Excell, MathCad, VBA. I attend a training hall, play football, basketball.

Short biography:

   My birthday is February 27 1987. My mother is Krivobokova Natalia. She is an engineer of automatic switching center. My father is Krivobokov Vladimir. He is crane operator at the JSC "Enakievo Iron and Steel Works". I entered school in 1994 at 7 years. At the school I was a high achiever. I have several letters of commendation. My favorite subject in school was mathematics. I played in the school football and basketball team. When I was at 8 and 9 form I participated in the urban competition over the chemistry and won the 3rd and 4th places. I graduated school with a gold medal and entered the Donetsk National Technical University. Now I studying at MA course. I have big plans for the future.

DonNTU Master's portal Abstract Library