Leokha Fedor

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical Faculty

Department: Metallurgy of Black Metals

Speciality: "Electric Metallurgy"

Master's work theme: "
Research method`s of alloying titan at chamber electroslag remelt "

Project head: prof. Ryabtsev A.


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Titan is supermaterial. His connections and wide prevalence in nature, new materials on his basis and prospects of consumption lift his importance for development sew on civilization.
Basic advantages and lacks of titanic alloys.
-   specific durability
-   specific hot-resistance
-   inoxidizability
-   biotcompatibility
-   a structure and properties regulated management is in a wide range
- high cost
- the low module of resiliency

Titan is applied in medicine. Now titan and his alloys is used as a surgical instrument, internal and external prosthetic appliances, including such critical, as a cardiac valve. Advantages of titan are durability, resistance corrosion, and main that some people have an allergy on a nickel (mandatory member of non-rusting steel`s).
Oxygen interesting, as element, to alloy titan. At high temperatures he easily dissolves as in α-Ti and β-Ti. Maximal solubility of oxygen in titan makes about  30%. For medicine there is the best maintenance of titanl to 0,6 %. Thus there is a considerable increase of strenght, hardness there is diminishing of plasticity at small.

The production of titan, alloyed oxygen, requires development of technology of input of oxygen in a metal and the even distributing is in a ingot.
Chamber electro-slag remelt is applied for this purpose. He allows to provide a high cleanness, and also structural and chemical homogeneity.

In this work, alloying of titan oxygen was carried out at the electro-slag remelt of titanic sponge TG-110 is easily soiled under a gumboil (CaF2), in an atmosphere, consisting of argon-oxygen mixture. On a stove chamber electro-slag remelt furnace  A-550  smelted ingots a diameter 65 mm. As electrodes the pressed was utillized from a titanic sponge and cooked the argon welding preforms by a diameter 40 mm and long 400 mm.

A chemical analysis before and after a remelt is resulted in a table.

A table is the Chemical analysis of bars of titan, got methods of electro-slag remelt.

№ melting

Composition of electrode


Atmosphere of remelt

%О2 in got bar*


titanic sponge,

TG 110


argon (running atmosphere)



titanic sponge,

TG 110


argon (running atmosphere) + mixture of argon with oxygen


*In a numerator is maintenance %О2 in titan to the remelt, in a denominator – after
Thus, the got results were rotined by possibility and perspective of application of electro-slag remelt for alloying of titan oxygen from a gas phase.

At writing of this abstract of thesis master's degree work is not yet lighted up. Final completion: December, 2009 complete text of work and метериалы on the topic can be got for an author or his leader after the indicated date.


List of literature


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