Магистр ДонНТУ Павленко Сргей Владимирович

Leokha Fedor

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical Faculty

Department: Metallurgy of Black Metals

Speciality: "Electric Metallurgy"

Master's work theme: "
Research method`s of alloying titan at chamber electroslag remelt "

Project head: prof. Ryabtsev A.

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My biography
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My article:


1.     Research method`s of alloying titan at chamber electroslag remelt” of Leoha F.L.. Donetsk national technical university, Collection of reasons of students of Physical-Metallurgical Faculty. Donetsk - 2009 (rus).


Source: Collection of student reasons of Physical-Metallurgical Faculty.Donetsk national technical university, Donetsk - 2009.

Description: possibility and perspective of application of CER is in-process well-proven for alloying of titan oxygen from a gas phase.






















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